Maker Pro
Maker Pro

another clueless newbie....


Phule Darklighter

Greetings all, I am a student in industial automation at a tech school
and I was wondering if you might be able to answer a few questions for

For the past month I have been studing electronics in my class
(unfortunatly, it is one of those "learn at your own pace" i.e.
read-the-book-till-you-are-bored-to-tears, kind of deals)

Now comes the problem, I have been reading on the internet about a
variety of subjects, PICs, a/d's, d/a's, and about everything else in
between.... I know I would like to be able to tinker with said stuff
but I am just boggled at the diagrams that follow them.. I know my
understanding of the theory could use some work... but I just can't
make it "click". I just can't seem to find a book that can give me
the instruction I am looking for. I also am very intimidated by the
sheer mathamatics that seems to be involved..

If someone could give me the benefit of more knowledge to increase my
understanding I would be most thankful....

Phule Darklighter

Eric Immel

Phule said:
Greetings all, I am a student in industial automation at a tech school
and I was wondering if you might be able to answer a few questions for

For the past month I have been studing electronics in my class
(unfortunatly, it is one of those "learn at your own pace" i.e.
read-the-book-till-you-are-bored-to-tears, kind of deals)

Now comes the problem, I have been reading on the internet about a
variety of subjects, PICs, a/d's, d/a's, and about everything else in
between.... I know I would like to be able to tinker with said stuff
but I am just boggled at the diagrams that follow them.. I know my
understanding of the theory could use some work... but I just can't
make it "click". I just can't seem to find a book that can give me
the instruction I am looking for. I also am very intimidated by the
sheer mathamatics that seems to be involved..

If someone could give me the benefit of more knowledge to increase my
understanding I would be most thankful....

Phule Darklighter

In my early days I got great benefit from "Cookbooks" like TTL Cookbook
by Don Lancaster and IC Op Amp Cookbook by Walter Jung. A number of
others exist, but these two provide an excellent fonudation and they are
relatively inexpensive. They are especially halpful if you have lab
access (oscilloscope, signal generator, etc.) I may risk the wrath of
others in this NG, but I would be careful about anything published by
TAB (the Radio Shack of publishers ;).



Books I have found extremely useful are The Art of Electronics by Horowitz
and Hill plus the student guide to the same book by Hayes and Horowitz. I
reckon these might be regarded as electronic bibles as they are stacked with
helpful and functional comments *plus* a sense of humour .

Endorse the views of a previous responder about Don Lancaster's books which
are written in similar vein. Don has a website thats useful and interesting
as well.



(the Radio Shack of publishers ;)

Mims's the word ;->

"The first step in intelligent tinkering is to
save all the parts." - Aldo Leopold