Maker Pro
Maker Pro

...and you thought IEEE was bad



The Society of Automotive Engineers'
web-based database of technical papers
can only be accessed using an Adobe DRM plugin
(which limits use and does not run on Linux or Unix).
Because of the DRM issue, MIT has dropped its subscription.

SAE doesn't even allow its papers to be indexed
on any site but their own
--odd because they get their content for free
from the researchers who actually do the work.


The Society of Automotive Engineers'
web-based database of technical papers
can only be accessed using an Adobe DRM plugin
(which limits use and does not run on Linux or Unix).
Because of the DRM issue, MIT has dropped its subscription.

SAE doesn't even allow its papers to be indexed
on any site but their own
--odd because they get their content for free
from the researchers who actually do the work.

You can run windows in a VM in Linux, and likely get it to run.

Still... pretty lame.

Chris Jones

JeffM said:
The Society of Automotive Engineers'
web-based database of technical papers
can only be accessed using an Adobe DRM plugin
(which limits use and does not run on Linux or Unix).
Because of the DRM issue, MIT has dropped its subscription.

SAE doesn't even allow its papers to be indexed
on any site but their own
--odd because they get their content for free
from the researchers who actually do the work.

When they make it sufficiently inconvenient to legally use the content that
the user has paid for, that's when they really create an incentive for
otherwise law-abiding but highly competent people to de-DRM it for their
own use. The unencumbered version is then found to be so much more useful
that it finds it's way around the internet in the way that useful things
tend to do. For some reason these companies are still under the delusion
that bypassing the DRM isn't possible and more convenient to do than
changing your OS.
