Maker Pro
Maker Pro

An Open Letter to Brinks Home Security



Dear Brinks Home Security,

Everytime I watch TV, I see several of your ads in regular rotation. Usually, your ads feature a single or married white female who is at home alone, with her husband, or with her children. All of the sudden, panic strikes! A burglar smashes the window, and the woman screams in terror!

What I find troubling here is that any male would-be-victims (if any are shown at all), aren't distressed, and sometimes, these male victims just aren't shown at all. What message does this convey? To me, it says that women are afraid of burglars and SHOULD CONTINUE TO BE AFRAID because it will financially benefit Brinks when women are kept in perpetual fear. To me, it says that Brinks believes that women are the only ones who are victimized by violence, and that men are either above it, or they are completely capable of single-handedly defending themselves and their families. Lastly, Brinks is perpetuating the myth that women need male protection, and that "getting a man" (boyfriend, husband, and then Brinks) is the only way women can stay safe! Isn't this a bit of a sexist double standard that Brinks is capitalizing on?

My response to the spatial patriarchy women experience is this: Women are victimized, hurt, and murdered MOST OFTEN by their live-in husbands and boyfriends. They are also hurt often on dates with men they already know. Being hurt, victimized, and murdered by A STRANGER actually happens much less often that these acquaintance/husband/boyfriend attacks happen. Why doesn't Brinks show this reality in their commercials? Because it wouldn't financially benefit the "home security system" industry!

Brinks feels the need to perpetuate the myth of "perpetual female victimhood/male protection" because Brinks won't profit if they say the truth, which would be something like this: "You are a female. You have a husband, a live-in boyfriend, or you date men who you sometimes invite into your home. You might as well not even bother getting a home security system since you are sleeping with the most risky person every night." Nobody would sign up for their service, I guess, if they said it that way.

In conclusion, Brinks Home Security TV commercials are unrealistic, sexist, and misleading. I'm sick of these ads!

- A Dissatisfied Lady who Carries Pepperspray Instead



Anonymous said:
Dear Brinks Home Security,

Everytime I watch TV, I see several of your ads in regular rotation.
Usually, your ads feature a single or married white female who is at
home alone, with her husband, or with her children. All of the
sudden, panic strikes! A burglar smashes the window, and the woman
screams in terror!

Really? The one I've seen shows the male going to investigate a noise
downstairs, and upon seeing a burglar break through the front door goes
scurrying back into the bedroom and slams the door. Most men I know would
launch an immediate full-on frontal attack, and the burglar would either
leave, or there would be one hell of a fight. So I guess Binky doesn't think
much of us either.

Crash Gordon

he was running in there to get the shotgun, but they cut the part just
before he blew away the purp and the cop by accident.

**Crash Gordon**

| Anonymous wrote:
| > Dear Brinks Home Security,
| >
| > Everytime I watch TV, I see several of your ads in regular rotation.
| > Usually, your ads feature a single or married white female who is at
| > home alone, with her husband, or with her children. All of the
| > sudden, panic strikes! A burglar smashes the window, and the woman
| > screams in terror!
| Really? The one I've seen shows the male going to investigate a noise
| downstairs, and upon seeing a burglar break through the front door goes
| scurrying back into the bedroom and slams the door. Most men I know would
| launch an immediate full-on frontal attack, and the burglar would either
| leave, or there would be one hell of a fight. So I guess Binky doesn't
| much of us either.
| js

Jim Rojas

I like the ADT commercials that make it look like the house is protected
by a force field.

Brinks commercials are so heavily exaggerated. They have to lie in order
to stay in business. Isn't that the American corporate motto?

Lie, lie, lie, if you get sued, deny, deny, deny!

Jim Rojas


I'm not even going to touch your gender specific comments regarding
these types of ads. I will point out however that this kind of
advertising using fear to sell security services is the lowest form of
advertising we have in our industry. I doubt that any legitimate
security professionals would ever resort to this kind of "lowbrow"
approach to selling their services. However, from ADT or Brinks, or
any of the other mass marketers looking only at your long term
contract, it just seems to be a matter of course.

No matter how well crafted these types of ads are, this kind of
approach should warn any thinking consumer away from companies that
stoop this low.....

Roger W

Dear Brinks Home Security,

Everytime I watch TV, I see several of your ads in regular rotation. Usually, your ads feature a single or married white female who is at home alone, with her husband, or with her children. All of the sudden, panic strikes! A burglar smashes the window, and the woman screams in terror!

What I find troubling here is that any male would-be-victims (if any are shown at all), aren't distressed, and sometimes, these male victims just aren't shown at all. What message does this convey? To me, it says that women are afraid of burglars and SHOULD CONTINUE TO BE AFRAID because it will financially benefit Brinks when women are kept in perpetual fear. To me, it says that Brinks believes that women are the only ones who are victimized by violence, and that men are either above it, or they are completely capable of single-handedly defending themselves and their families. Lastly, Brinks is perpetuating the myth that women need male protection, and that "getting a man" (boyfriend, husband, and then Brinks) is the only way women can stay safe! Isn't this a bit of a sexist double standard that Brinks is capitalizing on?

My response to the spatial patriarchy women experience is this: Women are victimized, hurt, and murdered MOST OFTEN by their live-in husbands and boyfriends. They are also hurt often on dates with men they already know. Being hurt, victimized, and murdered by A STRANGER actually happens much less often that these acquaintance/husband/boyfriend attacks happen. Why doesn't Brinks show this reality in their commercials? Because it wouldn't financially benefit the "home security system" industry!

Brinks feels the need to perpetuate the myth of "perpetual female victimhood/male protection" because Brinks won't profit if they say the truth, whichwould be something like this: "You are a female. You have a husband, a live-in boyfriend, or you date men who you sometimes invite into your home. You might as well not even bother getting a home security system since you are sleeping with the most risky person every night." Nobody would sign up for their service, I guess, if they said it that way.

In conclusion, Brinks Home Security TV commercials are unrealistic, sexist, and misleading. I'm sick of these ads!

- A Dissatisfied Lady who Carries Pepperspray Instead


How come in these commercials you never see some towel head or a China
man breaking into these houses? Its always some stupid ass looking
white guy. I think there's some racist shit going on here.

Stupid ass looking white guys should to get together and revolt
against this shit.

Jim Rojas

They use a white guy because the white man is the devil, and the root of
all evil everywhere in this world. :)

Jim Rojas

I brive a dus

They use a white guy because the white man is the devil, and the root of
all evil everywhere in this world. :)

Jim Rojas <

That's a malicious rumor started by jigaboos

Roger W

They use a white guy because the white man is the devil, and the root of
all evil everywhere in this world. :)

Jim Rojas
No shit? I thought it was the Cubans. :)

They got to get more creative and inlusive with their commercials
like............ A Hasidic Jew with pantyhose over his head busting
into a yarmulke shop owned by a Vietnamese single mother.


You've obviously not seen the local advertisements around here

Yea I guess it is pretty low to depict a break-in to sell burglar alarms,
jeez Robert your hatred for the big guys knows no bounds

No Mark, my "hatred" is directed only towards companies of ANY size
that deceive the consumer; that lie to sell their services; that
distort the truth in advertising; that use high pressure sales people
(most of whom don't know their ass from a hole in the ground), all for
that almighty buck !! I don't hate big companies per se; I use one of
the bigger ones here in Canada for my monitoring AND billing services,
and although they too do some pretty stupid things at times too
(that's just the nature of bureaucracy), they are NOT dishonest, nor
do they deceive their customers with high priced, deceptive ads.

It's just that the ADT's and the Brinks of the world do !! (and other
smaller ones too for all I know....). And yeah, you're right, it IS
"pretty low".....

Roger W

How come in these commercials you never see some towel head or a China
man breaking into these houses? Its always some stupid ass looking
white guy. I think there's some racist shit going on here.

Stupid ass looking white guys should to get together and revolt
against this shit.

That would never happen. The feminists would call it a "Bitch Slap"
and start a march around the V8 factory.

Nomen Nescio

I think Brinks should give away a free .45 with every new system.

Frank Olson

Nomen said:
I think Brinks should give away a free .45 with every new system.

Good idea... "Mack the Knife" on one side and "Gimme Gimme" on the
other. :)

Crash Gordon

I had a prospective customer who got a bid from Brinks & ADT after I bid
him...he called me yesterday to ask me if I knew that with Brinks he
wouldn't own the equipment ever (like it was something I wouldn't know) ...
I had to laugh.

Then he asked me if it were true that with a Brinks panel if a burglar broke
in and the alarm actually went off that if the burg pushed the Fire Panic
button that it disarmed the system....OYE...I told him Brinks was pretty bad
but the couldn't be THAT bad.

He ain't going with Brinks btw.

**Crash Gordon**

| I like the ADT commercials that make it look like the house is protected
| by a force field.
| Brinks commercials are so heavily exaggerated. They have to lie in order
| to stay in business. Isn't that the American corporate motto?
| Lie, lie, lie, if you get sued, deny, deny, deny!
| Jim Rojas
| Crash Gordon wrote:
| > he was running in there to get the shotgun, but they cut the part just
| > before he blew away the purp and the cop by accident.
| >

Crash Gordon

The .45 is FREE, but you have to pay 49.95 per month to rent the cartridges,
and you never own the gun. If you move into a house that already has a gun,
you can't use it because it only shoots Brinks .45 ammo. They own the gun
but they won't come get it...and if you try to unload the secret ammo they
sue you for tampering with their proprietary ammo that they didn't develop
in the first place.

**Crash Gordon**

| I think Brinks should give away a free .45 with every new system.


Crash said:
The .45 is FREE, but you have to pay 49.95 per month to rent the
cartridges, and you never own the gun. If you move into a house that
already has a gun, you can't use it because it only shoots Brinks .45
ammo. They own the gun but they won't come get it...and if you try to
unload the secret ammo they sue you for tampering with their
proprietary ammo that they didn't develop in the first place.

Hahahah! Priceless.

Jim Rojas

Crash said:
I had a prospective customer who got a bid from Brinks & ADT after I bid
him...he called me yesterday to ask me if I knew that with Brinks he
wouldn't own the equipment ever (like it was something I wouldn't know) ...
I had to laugh.

Then he asked me if it were true that with a Brinks panel if a burglar broke
in and the alarm actually went off that if the burg pushed the Fire Panic
button that it disarmed the system....OYE...I told him Brinks was pretty bad
but the couldn't be THAT bad.

Sshhh...That's a Brink's trade secret.

Jim Rojas