Having spent an evening soldering 12 off, 20W 12V halogen lightbulbs together to create a 'dummy load' to simulate something behind a battery charger eating up the energy supplied by solar panels, I was quite suprised.
Rigged them up as six strings of two each series string, all connected in parrallel.
I expected that applying 24V from my new bench PSU, might result in a few amps flowing and an array of moderately lit bulbs.
As it was, the bulbs started lighting up at a pretty low volts level and by the time I'd cranked it up to 24V, I had nearly 10A flowing and the fixture I'd rigged up to hold the lamps was starting to go on fire.
The PSU's rated to happily supply 10A but I was starting to feel like I was in welding territory!
There's a lot more punch in an amp than I thought.
Rigged them up as six strings of two each series string, all connected in parrallel.
I expected that applying 24V from my new bench PSU, might result in a few amps flowing and an array of moderately lit bulbs.
As it was, the bulbs started lighting up at a pretty low volts level and by the time I'd cranked it up to 24V, I had nearly 10A flowing and the fixture I'd rigged up to hold the lamps was starting to go on fire.
The PSU's rated to happily supply 10A but I was starting to feel like I was in welding territory!
There's a lot more punch in an amp than I thought.