Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Amplifier for function generator output

I have a function generator and I would like to take the output and amplify it for input to various types of motors (AC, DC, stepper, etc.) or other gizmos for experiments at the bench at home. I would like to have the amplified voltage variable (set via a dial) up to 50 volts with up to 10 amps or so and follow the signal output from the waveform generator (sine, square, triangle, ramps, or whatever I choose to output). The frequency range needs to go from DC up to around 10 kHz (frequency determined by waveform generator output but from 0 to 10 kHz). The amplifier will be powered by standard 115V 60Hz power. Any ideas on the circuit design of such a device? Specs are somewhat flexible depending on doability and cost. Thinking of some sort of op-amp and power mosfet or transistor circuit? Please help.
A bipolar power supply ±55V.

Complementary pair of Darlingtons, direct coupled to output.

Op amp as input stage with the feedback taken from the output stage.

A few notes:
1.Driving motors with these kind of waveforms (sine, square, triangle, ramps)
is mostly useless. Look up PWM etc.

2.There is a fundamental issue you have neglected ,the Bandwidth required from the AMP.
It should be much higher than 10Khz for the case of the square signal.
otherwise you will find out you are getting ("mostly") sine waves at 10kHz for all the different waveforms signals!o_O