Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Alarmes sans fil en France



Speak English? Your products are junk! Much like your people (and I'm 1/2
French) Capitalizing on more American Technology?


Speak English? Your products are junk! Much like your people (and I'm 1/2
French) Capitalizing on more American Technology?

Poor Jacky.

Mon cher André,

Je trouve votre information très intéressante et se rapprochant de mes
préoccupations et inquiétudes concernant les interférences radio.

J'essayé depuis longtemps de faire comprendre aux soit disant
technicien d'alarme d'expression anglophone (US, UK etc) dans leurs
propres langues le problème posé par les interférences.
Il me semble que ces soit disant professionnels non pas beaucoup de
bagage intellectuel concernant l'électronique et la radio en
particulier, d'ou leurs réactions violantes pour masqué leurs

Au plaisir de vous lire,

Paul (belgique)

Rick Lalonde

From what I can gather, Paul has discovered that there are wireless security
systems out there of which he approves.
Bravo Paul for having the courage to admit that you are wrong in your
assessment that ALL wireless security is bad.
Sadly this French-designed equipment was not employed during the heat wave
of 2003. Perhaps if seniors could have used their wireless panics to summon
help there would not have been--what was the total--14000 dead (mostly
uncared for elderly) this summer.
Meanwhile Paul & Marie are sunning on the beaches drinking red wine and
eating french stick. Compassion has never been a strong suit for the
Paul has been wrong in the past and he will be wrong in the future. We have
come to accept his obsessive rants in the spirit of free speech and all.
Volumes have been written in response to Paul's allegations by "low-level"
technicians in an effort to Educate, Inform, and Reassure the perturbed
Belgian. Still, with headphones on, he continues....

Paul is wrong, again.


P A U L said:
Poor Jacky.

Mon cher André,

Je trouve votre information très intéressante et se rapprochant de mes
préoccupations et inquiétudes concernant les interférences radio.

J'essayé depuis longtemps de faire comprendre aux soit disant
technicien d'alarme d'expression anglophone (US, UK etc) dans leurs
propres langues le problème posé par les interférences.
Il me semble que ces soit disant professionnels non pas beaucoup de
bagage intellectuel concernant l'électronique et la radio en
particulier, d'ou leurs réactions violantes pour masqué leurs

Au plaisir de vous lire,

Paul (belgique)
Pauvre paul

Tu as essayer de nous faire comprendre que tout les systemes d'alarme sans
fils sont incapable de reagir si des signaux venant de l'exterieure de
l'endroit proteger (ou meme de l'interieure) entrais en conflit avec les
signaux venant de composante ligitime du systeme...

nous avons a plusieur reprise siter des section de configuration des manuel
d'instalaton des systeme professionnel, te prouvant que des fonctions etais
integre a ces systeme,des fonction de detection de signaux de barrure
(jamming) et des options de manque de signaux des composante du systeme...

a ceci tu ne repond pas mais nous de mande de prouver par des cirsuits et
des metodes d'analyse qui ne sont pas de notre domaine de te prouver nos
a ceci nous t'avons repondu de le faire par toi meme en te fournisant
gratuitement des systeme professionnel...
ce que tu il serais bien mal vu que tu te rende compte que tes
tirade ne sont que de la merde...

Voici la veriter sur les faits....


Apparently Pauls new found friend Andre and him feel a foreign language is
the only way Paul can be taken seriously, without the insults. (I think
their gay) But not happy...



From what I can gather, Paul has discovered that there are wireless security
systems out there of which he approves.
Bravo Paul for having the courage to admit that you are wrong in your
assessment that ALL wireless security is bad.

A 2 separate frequency system in two different alarm frequency ranges
IS an sensible improvement against RFI when the separation is held
till and after signal ID and other decodings.
Sadly this French-designed equipment was not employed during the heat wave
of 2003. Perhaps if seniors could have used their wireless panics to summon

How is it possible to be an idiot to that extend..
Its clearly noticeable that you don't have any ammunition to counter

The french system is beating you.
I'm not glad of it, i only regret that the low level electricians in
this NG where to idiotic to contact theyre manufacturer about the RFI
Rush and contact them now so that they maybe some day will come up to
speed again.



i just explained to andre that paul is a little moron...

that when we come with proof of what we say he goes on endless ranting and

just simply the true...


I am french (excuse me !) and I thing that wireless alarm systems well
build are very good products : anti-jamming, rolling-codes,
bi-frequencies ... all this is to prevent alarm to be put out of order
by a burglar.
In France we have an official government laboratory nammed CNPP wich
test alarms and since year 2002 some of the wireless are agreed proving
than well-build wireless alarm systems can be at the same level than
See more about that in this website :

petem a écrit:

Frank Olson

Paul said:
I am french (excuse me !) and I thing that wireless alarm systems well
build are very good products : anti-jamming, rolling-codes,
bi-frequencies ... all this is to prevent alarm to be put out of order
by a burglar.
In France we have an official government laboratory nammed CNPP wich
test alarms and since year 2002 some of the wireless are agreed proving
than well-build wireless alarm systems can be at the same level than
See more about that in this website :

You'll find the group frequently talking about another "Paul" who is a
troll. I just thought I'd let you know because you're using the same "From"
name. People might get confused and think it's *you* we're talking about.
This is only a suggestion, but it might be a good idea (if you contemplate
posting more messages to this group) to think about using your last name as
well (or making your "from" field more unique somehow)...


I am french (excuse me !) and I thing that wireless alarm systems well
build are very good products : anti-jamming, rolling-codes,
bi-frequencies ... all this is to prevent alarm to be put out of order
by a burglar.

I can only congratulate france that they make up dual frequency
transmission systems on two different bands (434 & 868 MHz), this
reduce drasticly the probability that the external Radio Frequency
Interferences (RFI) who cause muzzling of the wireless data commention
During RFU, the receiver is muzzled, the system is no longer able to
do his job to warn the owner.
In France we have an official government laboratory nammed CNPP wich
test alarms and since year 2002 some of the wireless are agreed proving
than well-build wireless alarm systems can be at the same level than
See more about that in this website :

The actual certification procedures are stringent on some point like
EMC but laking tests on RFI..
