Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Akai X360D open reel capstan motor


Leonard Caillouet

If anyone has one of these old beasts in the heap that might have a good
motor, please contact me. I suspect most of them are failing in the same
way from some of the posts that I have found in other forums, but maybe
we'll get lucky...

The motor is marked Akai HC16X, 2,4,8 pole motor, so it looks like Akai
probably made and it is not something generic.

I found the schematic, BTW. They supplied it with the unit and the client
had it.




Leonard Caillouet ha escrito:
If anyone has one of these old beasts in the heap that might have a good
motor, please contact me. I suspect most of them are failing in the same
way from some of the posts that I have found in other forums, but maybe
we'll get lucky...

The motor is marked Akai HC16X, 2,4,8 pole motor, so it looks like Akai
probably made and it is not something generic.

I found the schematic, BTW. They supplied it with the unit and the client
had it.



Have you posted on getreel and they have forums there
which may be of use.( let me know if you need any help with the german
in the latter!)
regards, -B.