Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Akai Stereo Receiver AA-1175 (Problem - Won't turn on at all)

Hello! Today an older friend gave me his vintage Akai AA-1175 receiver that he had in his basement since he moved. He told me that it worked like a charm the last time he turned it on (~15 years ago). He also said that he fell coming up his basement stairs with it but that he saved it from impact ( he was okay!). After cleaning considerable dust from the outer facade we decided to try our luck and plug it in, nothing happened. I took off the top wooden panel to find years of dust caked all over the internals, using a q-tip and canned air I cleaned as much as I could, still nothing. I can't find a manual online, anything I can do here? I read that these models have fuses but I dont want to open anything up without some advice first. I am not the most tech savvy but I am willing to try.
I had already read that and decided to make this post as this unit is completely inert and theirs would at least turn on.
There is power on the outlet, plugged it into a surge protector after unplugging other working electronics. Figured it was the fuses, are they located underneath these 2 black cases?

Sorry for the stupid question I just want to be sure.
Yes unfortunately the manual must be purchased. I'll probably just end up sending this to be serviced if my local place is still open during all of this. I don't want to destroy it.
No, manuals on hifiengine are free. You do need to register, but they will not sell your email address or send any spam. I did pull the whole manual and have not found anything that shows where the fuses are. Most likely in the left rear corner by the power outlets and the power transformers.
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Ah thank you, I appreciate it, completely missed that when I checked the page earlier. I'll sniff around back there when I get the chance later today. Thank you for the guidance.