Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Akai aa1175 help

Could anyone help with a problem on my Akai aa1175?
No sound from left speaker , opened her up and found a4 240v glass fuse blown, replaced and immediately blew again. Any ideas why the fuse is letting go ?

Harald Kapp

Depends on where in the circuit the fuse is placed. Could be e.g. a faulty output transistor. Can you upload crisp images of the section in question? Do you have a schematic diagram of the unit?
I've got an Akai 940 I bought new 40-some years ago.
It's all guesswork from your description, but my experience on my receiver was that the output transistors were the weak-link
first to go on mine (as speculated by Harald Kapp).
I'd be checking those first, then checking the large electrolytic caps in the power supply section.
Good luck.