Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Advice needed: Name that part ?

Hi all, I am after a little advice I am currently building a drone and while building I made a mistake and over loaded the 12v input on the power distribution board and a part fell off. I am hopefully someone here could answer this question (possibly a simple one), could you please let me know what this part is. Also what would be it's job on a power distribution board, thank you for any assistance provided.

The part is marked with just 220 in the first image, second image is showing where is fell off the board. In addition it shows another chip the same but has 120 printed on the chip.

Thanks again


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Hop - AC8NS
Looks like it could be a 22 ohm resistor surface-mount device (SMD). See if you can measure the resistance. It probably overheated and melted the solder from too much current flowing through it. It may not be bad, You may be able to re-flow solder this, or a replacement, back onto the pads it fell off of with good eyesight and a small soldering pencil iron.
Hevans1944 many thanks for the response, unfortunately not only did it fall off the chip seams damaged one of the legs burnt out and snaped off the chip. Soldering this on would not normally be an issue if it was not damaged.

I guess I will have to hunt about for a replacement, huge thanks for the respose, very much appericated!!


Hop - AC8NS
your pic shows where it came from and is labelled L101 = an inductor, not a resistor
I saw that, too, but also saw R103 and below that R105 with no clear indication of what those labels referred to. It could very well have been a chip inductor. I am not very familiar with what those look like, but IIRC Coilcraft sells them and some do look like inductors... and some look like ceramic chips. If the 220 designation means 22 nH that would be only one or two turns of very small wire to fit the footprint. Or does 220 mean 2.2 nH? OP should contact the manufacturer for a definitive answer.
Hi guys thank your all for the assistance, just to follow up I managed to re-solder on the damaged "leg" after many frustrating attempts. I then soldered the chip back on to the board, after some tests the drone is back in the air. So many thanks all that replied, here is the end result


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Sir Bmaster666. . . . . . .

I had poked this up much earlier, but just now got back to civilization to let it fly to the web. . . . . . . .

It doesn't particularly look like it, referring to that mere "morsel" of a physical sample.

By its assigned component identification of L101 , I would suspect more in the order of a 2.2? , or 22 uh? (unreadable) inductor.

Look down at the assigned L201, just below it, and you will see a much more readily recognizable 10 / 100 uh inductor.

You have some decent gauge RED and BLACK wiring beside that area, does the RED tie into L101 soldering lands ?

With the second picture, and being able to read the part better than on the first picture, looks like its just a companion inductor.

73's de Edd
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