Maker Pro
Maker Pro

ADN8831 no cooling mode

I am working on a new hardware design using ADN8831 TEC controller.
i have a problem with the ADN8831 going into a cooling mode.when the temperature of TEC that i set is below the environment temperature, the chip ADN8831 does not go into cooling mode.
In my design, PVDD=5.02 volts.
Heating mode seems to work as my expect.

Has anyone use the ADN8831 to control the TEC temperature successfully?
Any ideas why it will not cool?
Email: removed by Harald kapp (mod)
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Harald Kapp

Welcome to our forum. I removed your E-Mail address since it is our policy not to make E-Mail addresses public to prevent users from spam. YOu can be contacted using the forum's conversation feature - although we very much prefer and encourage posting messages within a thread so other users can see them as well.

A schematic would be very helpful in understanding your circuit.