Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Adaptor interchanging

Is it safe to replace an adaptor with the following specs...
Input: 120VAC 60Hz 26W
Output: 12VDC 1000mA
with an adaptor with these specs...
Input: 120V 60Hz 0.3A
Output: 12V DC 750mA

Please let me know if it is safe to replace the first with the second.


So long, and Thanks for all the Fish!
The short answer is Maybe.

The first adaptor (sic) is rated @ 1000mA output (1A), while the second is rated @ 750mA (0.75A). If the device requires LESS than 750mA, then the answer is "Yes" it will work fine. If the device requires more than 750mA then the answer is "No" OR "Only in a pinch". Many devices come with adapters rated higher than the device requires, additionally many devices only use the full load rating in rare circumstances; however, many devices also come with an adapter that barely meets the device's requirements......

"Safe". That was the question. Most likely it is "Safe" from the stand point of not burning the house down as long as the new adapter is "UL Listed". This implies that the adapter has an over-current protection circuit which will prevent it from bursting into flames or otherwise self-destructing....that being said, if the adapter is connected to a life support system and it shuts off every two minutes well that may be problematic.

It would be best to get a properly rated adapter (1000mA or greater). They are dirt cheap and pretty easily found, but if you are in a pinch, and the device is not part of a critical system, then the 750mA adapter may suffice for some interval w/o catastrophic failure.


Thank you for your response Fish. The adaptor is actually for my wife's breast pump, so not life support but still very important. It looks like the smartest thing to do would be to order a new one. If the company does not sell a replacement adaptor since it is an older model, how do I know if the connector piece is correct if I were to just order a generic adaptor with the same power specs off the internet?


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
There is normally something printed on the adapter and the unit being powered which tells you the polarity.

Look for something as described here.

If you purchase something with plugs that detach and can be inserted either way around, you need to be very careful. I would grab a multimeter and check (ask if you don't know how) and then tape the thing in place so it can't fall out.