Well, that would more or less depend on your definition of "labia", I'd
And, the facts are, if you disassemble one of those proto-boards, you'll
see that they do have two-sided contacts, and what other object can you
think of that gets the point across so succinctly? The wire has to slip
between the two _things_.
I called them labia. This seems to upset you. I recommend that you look
into what it is that upsets you about my little wordplay.
It doesn't have any resemblance at all.
Haven't seen many labia, then? Or proto-board socket contacts? ;-P
You are giving away too many of your psychological secrets when you make
such jokes. TMI, dude... TMI.
I have no psychological secrets. I'm an open book. The only thing
unknowable about me by anyone is determined by their willingness (or
lack thereof) to know.
Like, For example, I don't konw what "TMI" stands for, but I'm gonna
go look it up on google right now...
Rank TMI stands for
******* directlink Too Much Information search Amazon.com
****** directlink Three Mile Island search Amazon.com
****** directlink TRMM Microwave Imager search Amazon.com
***** directlink Transactions on Medical Imaging search Amazon.com
***** directlink Total Market Index (Dow Jones STOXX) search Amazon.com
**** directlink Top Mount Intercooler search Amazon.com
**** directlink Too Much Internet search Amazon.com
**** directlink Texas Materials Institute search Amazon.com
**** directlink Tauber Manufacturing Institute (University of Michigan Business School & College of Engineering) search Amazon.com
**** directlink Tele Media International search Amazon.com
**** directlink Trans-Mars Injection search Amazon.com
**** directlink Trainable Mentally Impaired search Amazon.com
**** directlink Texas Military Institute search Amazon.com
**** directlink Tennessee Military Institute search Amazon.com
*** directlink Thai Medical Informatics Society search Amazon.com
*** directlink Technical Manual Index search Amazon.com
*** directlink Tan-O-on Marketing, Inc. search Amazon.com
*** directlink Top Management Issue search Amazon.com
*** directlink Tenant Move In (Pentagon Renovation Project) search Amazon.com
*** directlink Tenant Move In
"Trainably Mentally Impaired", huh? Hey, when I was at Beale AFB, working
on the SR-71 Blackbird, my job category was "Electromagnetic
Reconnaissance", but when I was having a party with a couple of the
neighbors' wives, while the neigbors were off on TDY (Temporary DutY),
when I mentioned that I was in "EMR", one of the wives started laughing
and said something to the effect: "Where I work at the social services
center, 'EMR' means 'Educatable Mentally Retarded.'" I wanted to tell her,
"No, it's 'educable'," but I let it go because she was hot. Didn't pork
her, 'cuz when I kissed her she realized how much she missed her husband,
and yadda blah, so I went and paid Candy a visit. ;-)
Take up a hobby of getting laid.
Oh, my GAW! What WONDERFUL advice! Would you like to paypal me a couple
hundred so I can get an exotic dancer?
If you're married, I don't know
what to tell you.
Gosh, I don't know what to say.
Anyway... any wire I ever tinned was a pretty stiff wire end.
(notice how I did not take the opportunity to make a phallus joke)
What? "Stiff wire end" isn't a phallus joke?
You must be terribly bored.
Version: 3.1
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