Maker Pro
Maker Pro

a way to convert a DVI HDTV


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I would try one of the simple DVI to HDMI adapter plugs. Apparently DVI is a subset of HDMI in some cases.

There are about a bazzilion on eBay.
if you want audio as well you will either need a separate cable or you will have to spend a little extra money on an adapter to get something like this.

95% of all DVI connections do not have audio strings, there are some, so try it with a plain adapter (chances are you can probably find one from a friend to borrow, I know that I have 3 floating around somewhere that I just don't use) then if you have audio you are golden, if not then you can investigate other options, like the one that I have linked.