Maker Pro
Maker Pro

A really stupid (yet annoying) problem with my OS.



Hey Guys,

I have this weird problem. My laptop's only OS (Windows 2k3) crashed.
Now normally, I would have popped the Windows CD and recovered or
reinstalled the OS. But my laptop's CD drive is not working. My laptop
is a 3 year old Acer (AMD sempron 3000+, 512, 40GB, onboard SIS)
Now I had a genius idea of removing the hard drive of this laptop and
put it in my other laptop (with working CD drive) and install the OS
there (Windows again), and then put the hard drive back in my old
laptop. (The plan obviously didn't work as the OS attaches itself to
the processor... i suppose) (and my other laptop is an intel)

Now how can I install OS in laptop. (I have heard that we can install
OS through network, but I am not sure if my laptop supports it),
anyways, is there any OS which can be installed on the intel machine
but will still work on my AMD laptop?

(My C: is clean and formatted and I would install any OS on it if it
later allows me to install Windows or Linux)

Thanks in advance

Meat Plow

Hey Guys,

I have this weird problem. My laptop's only OS (Windows 2k3) crashed.
Now normally, I would have popped the Windows CD and recovered or
reinstalled the OS. But my laptop's CD drive is not working. My laptop
is a 3 year old Acer (AMD sempron 3000+, 512, 40GB, onboard SIS)
Now I had a genius idea of removing the hard drive of this laptop and
put it in my other laptop (with working CD drive) and install the OS
there (Windows again), and then put the hard drive back in my old
laptop. (The plan obviously didn't work as the OS attaches itself to
the processor... i suppose) (and my other laptop is an intel)

Now how can I install OS in laptop. (I have heard that we can install
OS through network, but I am not sure if my laptop supports it),
anyways, is there any OS which can be installed on the intel machine
but will still work on my AMD laptop?

(My C: is clean and formatted and I would install any OS on it if it
later allows me to install Windows or Linux)

Thanks in advance

If your BIOS supports USB boot devices use an external USB CD drive to
install W2K


Hey Guys,

I have this weird problem. My laptop's only OS (Windows 2k3) crashed.
Now normally, I would have popped the Windows CD and recovered or
reinstalled the OS. But my laptop's CD drive is not working. My laptop
is a 3 year old Acer (AMD sempron 3000+, 512, 40GB, onboard SIS)
Now I had a genius idea of removing the hard drive of this laptop and
put it in my other laptop (with working CD drive) and install the OS
there (Windows again), and then put the hard drive back in my old
laptop. (The plan obviously didn't work as the OS attaches itself to
the processor... i suppose) (and my other laptop is an intel)

Now how can I install OS in laptop. (I have heard that we can install
OS through network, but I am not sure if my laptop supports it),
anyways, is there any OS which can be installed on the intel machine
but will still work on my AMD laptop?

(My C: is clean and formatted and I would install any OS on it if it
later allows me to install Windows or Linux)

Your computer have a USB port? USB-CD drives are cheap.
Maybe you can borrow one?

Alternatively: Put a copy of dos on your HD. Put a copy of the I386
directory from your windows XP installation CD on the hard drive.

Alternative: Install knoppix on the hard drive. (knoppix is a linux that
can be booted and run from a cd. It can also be installed on a hard drive
from the CD. Get a free ISO of knoppix from their web site).

1 GB thumb drives are cheap. Install a copy of the install cd on a thumb
drive. Make the thumb drive bootable.

Alternative: find a used laptop, same model, bad hard drive, or broken
screen or ..., just as long as it has a good CD drive.

Good luck.

bz 73 de N5BZ k

please pardon my infinite ignorance, the set-of-things-I-do-not-know is an
infinite set.

[email protected] remove ch100-5 to avoid spam trap


Hey Guys,

I have this weird problem. My laptop's only OS (Windows 2k3) crashed.
Now normally, I would have popped the Windows CD and recovered or
reinstalled the OS. But my laptop's CD drive is not working. My laptop
is a 3 year old Acer (AMD sempron 3000+, 512, 40GB, onboard SIS)
Now I had a genius idea of removing the hard drive of this laptop and
put it in my other laptop (with working CD drive) and install the OS
there (Windows again), and then put the hard drive back in my old
laptop. (The plan obviously didn't work as the OS attaches itself to
the processor... i suppose) (and my other laptop is an intel)

Now how can I install OS in laptop. (I have heard that we can install
OS through network, but I am not sure if my laptop supports it),
anyways, is there any OS which can be installed on the intel machine
but will still work on my AMD laptop?

(My C: is clean and formatted and I would install any OS on it if it
later allows me to install Windows or Linux)

Thanks in advance

swap CD drives instead...

Meat Plow

swap CD drives instead...

Little to no chance the optical drives would be interchangeable.
#1 Offishul Ruiner of Usenet, March 2007
#1 Usenet Asshole, March 2007
#1 Bartlo Pset, March 13-24 2007
#10 Most hated Usenetizen of all time
#8 AUK Hate Machine Cog
Pierre Salinger Memorial Hook, Line & Sinker, June 2004

Clint Sharp

Meat Plow said:
Little to no chance the optical drives would be interchangeable.
Actually, it's highly likely that they have the same interface on the
drive mech itself, it's just that some laptop manufacturers fit them
into a carrier that has a proprietary connector which is easy to swap
onto another drive. If the drive is 'fixed' into the machine it's more
likely to use the 'standard' connector. I think there are only two types
of connector in use for small form optical drives.

Michael A. Terrell

Meat said:
Little to no chance the optical drives would be interchangeable.

I've got a pile of dead laptop CDROM drives. After you remove the
plastic trim that matches the laptop case, they are all alike. Its a
standard component, look on Ebay for the OEM part number on the drive,
not the laptop OEM part number. Its easiest to use one from the same
series laptop, but there isn't much involved in converting them between
is an example of the Samsung Model: SN-124 drive I see in a lot of
laptops, or get for salvage from other computer shops.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida


Little to no chance the optical drives would be interchangeable.

100% chance they are interchangle: there's a standard for them.

Real fix possibility: Put drive in other computer, and *copy* the CD
to the drive. Put the drive back into the broken computer, boot a
diskette, and install from the CD contents that you copied earlier.

Matthew Fries

If your BIOS supports USB boot devices use an external USB CD drive to
install W2K

You could set up a pxe server and try to boot it over the network...
but that would take a lot of time and effort.

Here is an easier solution: You were partly right about putting the
Hard disk in another machine and installing the OS there... but don't
COMPLETELY install the OS. Just install the first pass where the
installer copies the files to hard disk. Just before the first reboot,
power off the machine and put the hard disk back into your laptop.
Then the laptop will boot, enumerate the CPU serial number, and
continue the installation.


Remove the BALONEY from my email address.

Michael Kennedy

Rahul said:
Hey Guys,

I have this weird problem. My laptop's only OS (Windows 2k3) crashed.
Now normally, I would have popped the Windows CD and recovered or
reinstalled the OS. But my laptop's CD drive is not working. My laptop
is a 3 year old Acer (AMD sempron 3000+, 512, 40GB, onboard SIS)
Now I had a genius idea of removing the hard drive of this laptop and
put it in my other laptop (with working CD drive) and install the OS
there (Windows again), and then put the hard drive back in my old
laptop. (The plan obviously didn't work as the OS attaches itself to
the processor... i suppose) (and my other laptop is an intel)

Your idea of installing the os on another computer could work. You have to
install it and then go into "win2k3 dos" by booting the intel laptop cd rom
from the windows cd and selecting system recovery console.

It will ask for the admin password. If you didn't set one just leav it blank
and hit enter.

Then you need to go to c:\windows\system32\config
(note: you may need to replace c:\windows with c:\winnt)

Then you need to replace the files "system" "defalut"
while in the C:\WINDOWS\system32\config>
Type this
copy c:\windows\repair\default
It will ask Overwrite (Y/N) Press Y
Then Type
copy c:\windows\repair\system
It will ask Overwrite (Y/N) Press Y

Now Don't reboot the comptuer in your intel laptop! It is set up so that
when it boots next windows will be looking for what hardware you have in
your comptuer. So put the drive in your AMD and fire it up. It should take
a while installing drivers for all the components in the system, and should

- Mike