Maker Pro
Maker Pro

8mm playback problem



Is there any way to recover footage recorded on digital 8mm video?
I recorded an entire 120 minute tape on a sony DCR-TRV520. I had
reviewed the footage. Then 5 minutes into the tape it appears to
have been erased. I get a gray screen.

The counter continues to run. In fact the audio is still there, but
gray screen for video.
Now according to you the data is still there but how do I recover it.
Right now I am the only one I know with a 8mm video camera. I'm
thinking I can sneak it into BestBuy and play it on one of their

Just prior to this problem the camera developed a problem caused by
the tape being stuck in the carrage. I forcedthe tape out and then I
could only get a blue screen on play back wt anytape. I took the
cover off to access the tape head to clean , and the camera started
working. I finished cleaning the head and reassembled the camera and
discovered the missing footage on the last tape I used.

To repeat the problem now: the video dissapears 5 minutes into the
playback, the tape counter continues to count; and them audio of the
original taping.