Maker Pro
Maker Pro

7 led chaser 555 and 4017

I have a 7 LED chaser circuit (BELOW) that i moded to get the results that i need.
Firstly I increased the voltage in the whole circuit from 9V to 18V then i added 2 BC108C's in the darlington pair formation after each output leg of the 4017b chip that i used, before each LED output.

I think i have blown the first transistors i used I have got new transistors which i believe turn on at 25V they are also BC108C's is there a way i can boost the voltage after the output pins of the 4017B chip to turn on my new transistors to give me the current i need, or would i be able to use another component to replace the Darlington pair with and get the same current gain.

This is the circuit i started with:
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Welcome to the forums Tony. I've moved this out of the project log section, as that is a showcase for completed projects, rather than questions :).