Maker Pro
Maker Pro

6v Battery Pack

Hi Folks I am remaking a battery pack for my ancient Sonifex Courier

After removing the shrink wrap from the battery pack which is 5 x 1.2v 400mA cells I found some components I don't recognise the first I have found out is a Creep action thermal protector made by Portage Electric Products Inc, I have contacted them to find out more about it if anyone can tell me more that would be great


the second I think is a poly fuse but what type is it?


on one side it says appears to read AZHA Mexico on the reverse it says X30 U160 does anyone have any idea what I should use?
I have no experience about making rechargeable battery packs so any info would be good, I have watched some videos on Youtube which are good about the construction, I need more info on these components, thanks in advance
I have used Ni-MH batteries for years since about 25 years ago all my Ni-Cad cells were shorted.
Does your battery also have old and shorted cells?