Maker Pro
Maker Pro

5V USB UPS Switch

My plan is to use the module below to act as a UPS switch for my small USB powered device.

Parts will include:
1 x dual port USB Female 2.4amp AC adapter plug. = Source to Male USB cord to PCB
1 x 10,000 mah USB battery pack. = Battery to Male USB cord to PCB
2 x USB 2.0 Male (cords cut and split from old parts)
1 x USB 2.0 Female (cord cut and split from old parts) = USB Device (male) to USB Female to PCB load

I planned to charge the battery separately. Can this be done as I plan? Anything I need to know or add for this? Should I use an AC cord with transformer for source? Should the Battery be actual batteries, or can I use one of those $10 packs from amazon. I say this because I think this module can charge a battery as well, and the packs usually differentiate charging vs draw ports.

Thank you!

Model: SRD-5VDC-SL-C
Coil voltage: DC 5V
Coil resistance: 70Ω ~ 80Ω
Contact resistance: 100Ω Max
Operation time: 10msec Max
Release time: 5msec Max
Ambient temperature: -25°C to 70°C
Operating humidity: 45 to 85%RH
Operating current: 43mA ~ 46mA
Release current: 15mA ~ 18mA
Pin: 5Pin
Insulation resistance: ≥100M (Ohm)
Dielectric strength:
Between coil & contacts: AC 1500V 50HZ ~ 60HZ/min
Between contacts: AC 1000V 50HZ ~ 60HZ/min
Rated load:: 10A 250V AC / 10A 125V AC / 10A 30V DC / 10A 28V DC
Size: 1.8 x 1.5 x 1.6cm (L x W x H)
Yes, unfortunately the pass-through chargers I found will not automatically switch during an outage (making it a UPS). They will remain off until a physical action by the user is performed on the device to activate the battery. In addition, I don't want the battery to be used at all while power is connected. Allowing me to control when it is charged will extend life. Remember, this is a cheapo amazon battery pack. I will just hook it up to a remote switch to charge when depleted via micro usb port. Price is an option here... However, if you know of a cheap option that will switch automatically, and not use the battery until power goes out I wouldn't need to make one. Would this do it? ...upon further research, I am also worried about a 1 year warranty. If a battery pack dies I have to pay full price for a new unit, as apposed to just getting any new cheap battery source. ...but this is all dependent on whether the PCB I have pictured will do what I'm asking?
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Harald Kapp

Would this do it?
I have no personal experinece with this unit but the description states "pass through charging". Exactly what you need. If it doesn't do as advertised, you can always return it. I'va had other devices from the same brand at never could complain.
If a battery pack dies I have to pay full price for a new unit, as apposed to just getting any new cheap battery source.
These units are not meant to - but often they can be opened with a bit of careful force and the battery can be replaced. No guarantee that it is possible with this particular unit, though.
Thank you for responding. 2 Things remain. The pass-through device must "not use the battery until power goes out" and "will the PCB I have pictured do what I'm asking?" Cheers.

Harald Kapp

The pass-through device must "not use the battery until power goes out
As long as the wall wart supplies more power than the device attached to the power bank this should be the case.
will the PCB I have pictured do what I'm asking?
Not sure. According to the description: yes. But seems to use a relay to switch over from the power supply to the battery. It therefore may (or may not) happen that during switch-over the power supply to the USB device may be interrupted for a few milliseconds.