Maker Pro
Maker Pro

24V PSU Help

Hi all,

Thinking about using the following PSU:

I would like to configure this module to output 24V.
I am not the best at reading datasheets, can anyone adivise on the following questions...

1.) to confugure for 24V do i simply just need to connect pins 17 and 20 together?
2.) Pin 5 is a monitering pin, does anyone know the voltage output for the status of this pin?

All help appreciated.



Hi all,

Thinking about using the following PSU:

I would like to configure this module to output 24V.
I am not the best at reading datasheets, can anyone adivise on the following questions...

1.) to configure for 24V do i simply just need to connect pins 17 and 20 together?
2.) Pin 5 is a monitering pin, does anyone know the voltage output for the status of this pin?

All help appreciated.


hi scott

trying to confirm your first part

OK ... connecting 17 and 20, then taking neg output from 23 and pos output from 14 appears to be the way
and note only on the LM2000 and LM3000 series units

as for the second Q ...
2.) Pin 5 is a monitering pin, does anyone know the voltage output for the status of this pin?

see page 21 of your supplied datasheet where it explains the undervoltage monitor output of pin5

Thanks Dave,

Yes, thats what I thought pins would be for output (23/14). someone elxplained this to me, but i was not conivinced, What was your thought process?

Thanks again, I am new to design work.
