Maker Pro
Maker Pro

24-30v dc power supply schematic


Phil Allison

"Cydrome Leader"
Phil Allison

I want to hear more about how you'd make a 2.2 volt 100 amp linear power
supply with a bridge rectifier, and what sort of single digit efficiency
you'd expect to get from it.

** Up to you to state what the special difficulties are, not me.

In any case - your fuckwit, trolling Q has SFA to do with efficient use of
the transformer windings.

Do try learning to READ sometime.

Jerk off.

.... Phil

Cydrome Leader

Phil Allison said:
"Cydrome Leader"

** Up to you to state what the special difficulties are, not me.

In any case - your fuckwit, trolling Q has SFA to do with efficient use of
the transformer windings.

oh sorry, did I troll you?

are you upset?

are you slapping the shit out of your keyboard?