Maker Pro
Maker Pro

2 mosfets switch

About to ask a silly question
I have an application where i need 2 mosfets to turn on and exactly opposite times.
If mosfet 1 is on mosfet 2 is off
If mosfet 2 is off mosfet 1 is on
Anyone got a circuit diagram for it?
1-transistor inverter, CMOS inverter, TTL inverter, etc.

What is the circuit voltage? What is the switched current? How fast do the output currents need to turn on / turn off?


Resistors are for proper biasing.
As shown the 10k pulldown is to ensure the mosfet goes off and stays off.
The 100R is for some series protection.
The 1K pullup ensures M2 operates correctly.
12v operation would suit most mosfets but that depends on which ones you use and what signal level you intend I'd imagine.
Looking at the circuit where it is operated by a "digital signal", one would assume that would be in the 5v area so use logic level mosfets.
It's not like they cost any more or are difficult to find.

Did you read the link??
Getting confused as to what you want you have one load or two?
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its technically 1 load. making a 12volt AC. just making it go faster than about 2,000,000,000 times