Maker Pro
Maker Pro

1Hz timebase question


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
When you say regulation....what should it be regulated to?

A constant voltage :)

The whole point is to stop the voltage varying as the oscillator will have some sensitivity to voltage.

Choosing a voltage regulator is a whole other topic. It depends on the range of input voltages, the current, etc.
I was just using 9 volts from either AAs or one 9 volt battery, do you think that's ok? haha this sounds like a stupid question but I'm curious.
Unless you want the experience, and want to spend a lot of time tweaking the timing on a scratch-built crystal oscillator, I would recommend just using the hacked clock oscillator circuit I posted.
