Maker Pro
Maker Pro

17V@7A switching power supply



I want to design a switching power supply with:
Vin=24 Vdc and Vo=15V @ 7A
I am looking for a switcher IC something like LM2678 with integrated
controller and Power Mosfet. But LM2678 has a maximum current
limitation of 5A.
Does any body know an IC which I can use for this project? I mean
something with a controller and power Mosfet just in a package.

Thank you in advance

John Larkin

I want to design a switching power supply with:
Vin=24 Vdc and Vo=15V @ 7A
I am looking for a switcher IC something like LM2678 with integrated
controller and Power Mosfet. But LM2678 has a maximum current
limitation of 5A.
Does any body know an IC which I can use for this project? I mean
something with a controller and power Mosfet just in a package.

Thank you in advance

Check out the LTC polyphase switchers. Some of them put out a lot of



Hassan said:
I want to design a switching power supply with:
Vin=24 Vdc and Vo=15V @ 7A
I am looking for a switcher IC something like LM2678 with integrated
controller and Power Mosfet. But LM2678 has a maximum current
limitation of 5A.
Does any body know an IC which I can use for this project? I mean
something with a controller and power Mosfet just in a package.

Thank you in advance

I use an IC that has the controller and a 1.5 amp drive transistor in it.
To get the extra amps, I add a power Mosfet to it. I drew a circuit using
the IC and a power Mosfet, to do what you want. You can see it at
If you have any questions, please ask.

Anders F

Hassan said:
I want to design a switching power supply with:
Vin=24 Vdc and Vo=15V @ 7A
I am looking for a switcher IC something like LM2678 with integrated
controller and Power Mosfet. But LM2678 has a maximum current
limitation of 5A.
Does any body know an IC which I can use for this project? I mean
something with a controller and power Mosfet just in a package.

I'd say: Don't let the mosfets scare you... Then you have plenty of good



Thank you very much for your help.
It seems that you have used a program for calculating the components
values. Would you please tell me where I can find that program?
Also I need another Power Supply which can convert the Vin= 12V to Vo=
15V@7A. I want to use the MC34063 that you have used. Would you please
show me a step-up converter for the above specifications with the
MC34063? The best thing for me would be to use the same PCB for both
the step-up and step-down converters with MC34063.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.


The real application is:
30 < Vin < 9 and Vo= 15 V @ 7A
As you see, it is both a step up and step down converter.
Would you please show me how to design it with MC34063A?
Thank you in advance.


Hassan said:
The real application is:
30 < Vin < 9 and Vo= 15 V @ 7A
As you see, it is both a step up and step down converter.
Would you please show me how to design it with MC34063A?
Thank you in advance.

I have added two additional schematics at the site I sent you to before
It has a step-up and a step-up/step-down schematic added. The program I am
using is "FNC-Elcad". You can see more about it, where the schematics are
(just click on "Home" or "Program Guide" while you are there). Hope this
helps. If you have anymore questions, please feel free to ask.

Mike Page

Hassan said:
I want to design a switching power supply with:
Vin=24 Vdc and Vo=15V @ 7A

I suggest you start with a 24V -> 12V switcher (available at 10A for
vehicular use) and "adjust" it.

Best regards,


Mike Page said:
I suggest you start with a 24V -> 12V switcher (available at 10A for
vehicular use) and "adjust" it.

Best regards,

Hi Mike,
Is that 10A peak or 10A continous? If that's 10A continous, do you have a
part number?
Best regards,


Brian said:
Hi Mike,
Is that 10A peak or 10A continous? If that's 10A continous, do you have a
part number?
Best regards,

Maybe I misunderstood you, are you talking about an IC or a complete power


I have your design..... He wasn't specific about the level he wanted in the
original posting. I see someone else ask as well.

Or are you only showing that you didn't understand?


Did you get my schematic?
Is it along the lines of what you wanted?

John Fields

I have your design..... He wasn't specific about the level he wanted in the
original posting. I see someone else ask as well.

Or are you only showing that you didn't understand?

You "have" my design? Care to elaborate?

You don't have shit, you phony little pissant, and trying to weasel
out of it by saying that he wasn't specific about the level he wanted
is typical of crap like you.

At _any_ level, cutting and pasting a URL has about as much semblance
to design as paint-by-numbers has to Michelangelo, but you wouldn't
know anything about that would you?

Maybe cutting and pasting a URL seems like design to an idjit like
you, but if you had the wherewithal to think about it, you might come
to the conclusion that the guy who figured out the power supply was
the designer, and what the OP asked for was help in achieving a goal
like that, for whatever reason.


As usual, ran off at the mouth, spreading foul and nasty things which he is so
familiar with.

He is about to burst a blood vessel and can not seem to control himself.

Besides he has a mean streak a mile wide.

Spicewood club? Funny name.

Are all the people there like you?
No don't answer, you need to relax and get some sleep.

See your doctor soon, he will give you something to calm your nerves and let
you sleep.

Wow. I never though walking the dog could be so exhausting!


Okay, weak mind, poor to no control, the usual ilk of someone with megalomania.
You don't have "John Fields",
you phony little "John Fields",
and trying to "John Fields"
out of it by saying that he wasn't
specific about the level he wanted
is typical of "John Fields" like you.

The foul mouth is properly labeled!

I didn't say I 'did' the design, I sent it to him.
I don't work for free like you.

Wow, walking the dog is getting tiring!
He want to run and bite!

Now cool off, you started this and I do not care to keep trying to calm you

Frank Bemelman

Clarence said:
Did you get my schematic?
Is it along the lines of what you wanted?

Of course it isn't what he wanted. He wanted:
I am looking for a switcher IC something like LM2678 with integrated
controller and Power Mosfet. But LM2678 has a maximum current
limitation of 5A. Does any body know an IC which I can use for this
project? I mean something with a controller and power Mosfet just
in a package.

For a better understanding, just look at these lines:
project? I mean something with a controller and power Mosfet just
in a package.

Notice the important part:
controller and power Mosfet just in a package.

Which probably means:

"just in one package".

"one" as in "single".