Maker Pro
Maker Pro

12v Turn signal and running lights?

I upgraded the electronic side mirrors on my truck, and they came with a bonus. The new ones came with a feature not on the originals: indicator lights. I know I can wire them to either the running lights or the turn signals, but I'm curious if I could add a couple of diodes and wire them to both?

My knowledge of electronic parts is definitively novice so, I won't be surprised if I'm completely over-simplifying...
They should be wired for same function they had as factory equipment. If they are meant to be turn signals then they are too bright for running lights and could be blinding in certain scenarios which may be illegal.

In the US, generally lamps facing rearward (does not necessarily have to physically be on the rear of the vehicle) should be red, while lamps facing to the side, including turn signals or running lights, should be amber.

If they are meant for both functions then there should be separate bulbs and colors.

One thing you could do is put a low ohm resistor in series from the parking light circuit for running lights that aren't excessively bright, going through a normally closed relay. Wire the relay coil to the turn signal circuit for each side. When the other, stock turn signals illuminate it breaks power to the mirror bulbs so they are blinking in the opposite state to the rest of the stock turn signal bulbs.

I'd rather not do that, would make them only turn signals if that was what the design was meant to do. If there is only one bulb you could stuff some amber LEDs in for a lower power running light that's wired separately, into the parking light circuit.
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They should be wired for same function they had as factory equipment. If they are meant to be turn signals then they are too bright for running lights and could be blinding in certain scenarios which may be illegal.

In the US, generally lamps facing rearward (does not necessarily have to physically be on the rear of the vehicle) should be red, while lamps facing to the side, including turn signals or running lights, should be amber.
I have been blinded by Fiat/Chrysler cars and Jeeps that use high beams at full blast as daytime running lights.
Now Kia and VW are copying them.

High beams shine forward, not downward which lights up hazards on the road. They also trick drivers of those cars that the headlights have turned on automatically at night but then they drive at night without any lights in the rear. All cars should be made with automatic headlights when it is dark out.

Many cars are VERY loud and deafening because they have been modified to make as much noise as possible.
The blinding cars and loud cars should be recalled and fixed to be normal.
^ I'm in favor of modded cars being pulled over and impounded, particularly when someone does the LED headlight mod in their existing incan housing, unless they happen to have their stock bulbs with them and can change them on the spot to proceed driving, then just a ticket for improper equipment.

Factory blinding lights, yeah it's a problem without a clear cut owner solution.
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The car manufacturer blames blinding daytime running lights on the driver who has a very heavy load (his fat wife?) in the trunk (boot).:)
12V 21W bulbs are typical for turn lights.
It is possible to limit the current on them or wire both sides bulbs in series for running lights.

A relay intermittently shorting one of the series bulbs can work as turn signal at full 21W.
If the lights are in the same position you do not know what the signal is unless the change in brightness is seen. Lights for different purposes should be in different positions.

In the UK any change from standard must be notified to the insurance company which may not approve.
These are simply a manufacturers upgrade that were not available on the model I purchased. They are intended as a safety improvement and nothing else. They mirrors come with tiny LED indicators in the corner. So that others can see me easier (you'd be surprised at how much people do not see a grey pickup truck) I was hoping I could wire them to both the running lights and the turn signal so that they would be on with the running lights, but flash when I hit the turn signal. The manufacturer says they can be wired to either one but, I was hoping someone with better electrical knowledge than mine could maybe provide a solution.
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