Maker Pro
Maker Pro

12V battery to several MP3 players

I need to keep several MP3 players, phones and the like charged up on a golf cart that I have. I know that I can get 12V to USB car adapters for next-to-nothing cheap ($.99).

Can I just run a wire from a 12V car battery through 4-5 mounted female 12V plugin car type receptacles to use for charging the devices with the 12V male plug?

Thank you very much in advance!
Yes, to some degree you can simply wire a bunch of the adapters in parallel, but the supply lines as well as the fuse on those supply lines will need to be properly rated to handle the entire load at maximum capacity...

IMO a single 'larger' 5v power supply like this for example wired to a gang strip of multiple USB jacks would be a better option...