Maker Pro
Maker Pro

<1 volt step up transformer

Hello everyone. I am thinking of building a circuit that would collect energy from fruits as an experimental project. (Using zink nail and copper methood)

I am not sure how to start it of. Since on average I can get 700mv, not sure about amps. So the question is, is there a way to step it up without using external power source?

I am thinking I could use capacitors to store the energy and then somehow send it at once and increase the voltage, which could then charge a battery or something, so you could use it to power other things.

I am not a specialist in electronic so I would appreciate simple explanations or ideas how I could proceed with this.
I would be happy if there was a way of getting at least 12 voltage with maybe at least 20miliamps. Thanks.
Hello everyone. I am thinking of building a circuit that would collect energy from fruits as an experimental project. (Using zink nail and copper methood)

I am not sure how to start it of. Since on average I can get 700mv, not sure about amps. So the question is, is there a way to step it up without using external power source?

I am thinking I could use capacitors to store the energy and then somehow send it at once and increase the voltage, which could then charge a battery or something, so you could use it to power other things.

I am not a specialist in electronic so I would appreciate simple explanations or ideas how I could proceed with this.
I would be happy if there was a way of getting at least 12 voltage with maybe at least 20miliamps. Thanks.
That's 1/4W out of a fruit . I don't think you will get there without using multiple fruits in series.
Additionally, you could *try* to use a joule thief to bump the voltage up, but I still think you are over-reaching for that kind of power.
A *Battery Pack* is your best option I think.
I would use battery pack but the point is to use renewable source of power. I was thinking I could use capacitors to build it up a little and than step up transformer which would charge a batery or something. The thing is, I would like to build something like slow charging mechanism for battery. I was thinking that time = energy, so it would be allright if it took a while to charge it, but something that would work.
Anyway, thanks for response I will look at the joule thief solution and see what it does.
I would use battery pack but the point is to use renewable source of power. I was thinking I could use capacitors to build it up a little and than step up transformer which would charge a batery or something. The thing is, I would like to build something like slow charging mechanism for battery. I was thinking that time = energy, so it would be allright if it took a while to charge it, but something that would work.
Anyway, thanks for response I will look at the joule thief solution and see what it does.
You missed my intention... I should have said Fruit-Pack. instead of *battery-pack*
The problem you will run into, is that a capacitor will only charge to the same point as the fruit's output voltage. The time it takes is based on the capacity of the capacitor, and the current capability of the fruit. The only benefit this has is offering a higher 'peak' current output when you finally decide to draw from it.

I would most definitely encourage the use of multiple fruit in series to increase the voltage output. If you had a higher voltage to start with, you have more freedom over the methods you use to store and manipulate it later. (Think that a regular diode would drop 0.7V... which is pretty much all of the potential from a single fruit.)
You can either use the fruit as-is, or juice them and use their juice in a custom enclosure that you have more control over. You can use electrodes with more surface area, and could create multiple 'cells' similar to how a car battery is designed.
Oh allright, I was hoping I could do it on one fruit and since it does not work like that, I will try to use multi-fruits. I was kind of hoping it will work so that I could build something like self charging generator because the same think apply hand. It also produces energy like fruit. Well I will use your recomendation and build a custom enclouse and pour something to it to produce energy, it will still be renewable. Thanks for responses.
Oh allright, I was hoping I could do it on one fruit and since it does not work like that, I will try to use multi-fruits. I was kind of hoping it will work so that I could build something like self charging generator because the same think apply hand. It also produces energy like fruit. Well I will use your recomendation and build a custom enclouse and pour something to it to produce energy, it will still be renewable. Thanks for responses.
It's entirely up to you how you tackle this. A custom enclosure is not a requirement unless you only want to use one fruit at a time, then you need to split up the fluid. You could simply setup more than one 'fruit-holder' and impale a fruit on each holder.

**Note : : There is a video circulating showing a lemon with multiple electrodes in at the same time. Please remember that it's a physics troll. By doing this, you are simply increasing the surface area of of the anode and cathode by having more than 2 electrodes in the fruit. If you connect them in 'faux-series' like in the video, you end up shorting most of them out. The *cells* must be electrically isolated in order to be able to connect them in series which is why I recommend multiple fruits, or juicing the fruit and putting the fluid in isolated containers. This allows you to completely control the flow of electrons by using 'jumpers' between the anode of one container and the cathode of another.

Best of luck! If you make something cool out of it, please share ^^
We like seeing juicy pictures.
Basically you need to reach the bases threshold voltage of around 0.6v, with a joule thief you may get a very dim glowling red led going with one lemon.

Buy a germanium transistor and you might get a couple of ma out of a lemon