Mark said:
I need a lowest possible parts count 1KHz square wave oscillator.
Must use crystal timing with accuracy as good as reasonably attainable
without use of oven..
To do this, I assume it is best to start with the highest frequency
crystal possible, as each divide down increases resolution.
Power requirements are open.
Can anyone please advise regarding the most suitable circuit design?
With appreciation,
With such lack of specificity, you're likely to get only a ringside seat
to a pissing the one in this thread.
How about specifying what you want?
Short term accuracy?
Long term accuracy?
Cycle to cycle jitter?
Given the openness of your spec...
One part > Custom 1Hz. clock module, maybe GPS derived.
two parts > Pic processor with a TCXO. Jitter ain't gonna be good.
Pic means pic, avr, any other...
Most any watch chip should have 1 Hz. somewhere. Just hire someone to
wear it to keep the temperature stable.
Now, what do you really want?
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