Maker Pro
Maker Pro

1/4 inch mono jack 3 pins


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Again, sorry if I confused you. I'm a little confused myself at the moment.

My rant wasn't directed at you, but rather at the confusing terminology.

I'm pretty sure you got the "jack" part of the terminology correct (although I still had to verify it -- your pictures did that).
I apologize if I'm not using what you folks consider "standard" terminology. Perhaps you might direct me to to a dictionary of electronic component terminology accepted by this forum. My use of "1/4 inch mono jack" in a search returned results from all over the Web: Amazon, Ebay, Wikipedia, BG Micro Electronics, All Electronics, Switchcraft etc.,etc.. But hey, I'm just a guy who has no experience in this area, other than as a hobbyist 35 years ago, who recently saw a clever idea (guitar sustainer) and thought I'd give it a try building it because the commercial product is ridiculously overpriced, legacy technology. Again, sorry if I confused you. I'm a little confused myself at the moment.
I was just hoping you'd start referring to the parts of the connectors as tip, ring and sleeve to reduce confusion. I linked the Wikipedia article on phone connectors as it includes that information.

Try not to get frustrated or irritated too easily as we understand the difficulty with electronics jargon.
:)Sure thing. I understand what you are talking about and if I ever need to ask a question about a stereo or mono plug, rather than the jack, I will surely refer to the different parts by their appropriate name. Thanks for the reference to Wikipedia's article. I've visited this specific article several times trying to find an answer to my question r.e. the particular device I have but could not find an answer. So, I posted the question here. One gentlemen here provided a suggestion which I didn't quite understand...until recently. He said plug a male phone connector (mono and/or stereo--with wire) into my female connector and take measurements. I believe that procedure will clearly indicate which pin is which on my mono jack. And thanks Hopup.:)