Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Zilog Z8 MCU programming

What kind of programmer do you have available?Software? Compiler? Assembler? Your first experience with programming?

I have programmed a basic stamp and an arduino (AVR MCU), both with software interfaces.

I guess I should have stated that I wanted to know if this chip can be programmed with readily available software. The software is available on Zilog's site so that is answered. However, is this chip really worth my time to salvage??? I'm thinking that since it is the only one I have, then probably not.

Bah...dead end thread.
I have programmed a basic stamp and an arduino (AVR MCU), both with software interfaces.

I guess I should have stated that I wanted to know if this chip can be programmed with readily available software. The software is available on Zilog's site so that is answered. However, is this chip really worth my time to salvage??? I'm thinking that since it is the only one I have, then probably not.

Bah...dead end thread.

If it is your only one, I would say no. It was used a lot in autodialers ... a long time ago.