Maker Pro
Maker Pro

ZD 985 Desoldering station

This seller is selling the station but about the filters he is selling them separately (outside e-bay) i do not know if i can trust him about that. Where could i find theese kind of filters ?


Colin has a point

I have used desoldering station, but only when I have masses of desoldering to do
and unless you are in a commercial situation, it's a bit of a occasionally used luxury item ;)

solder wick is my main go-to for desoldering a few components here and there

as far as that particular station goes, haven't seen one before, had no idea what they are like for reliability

Colin has a point

I have used desoldering station, but only when I have masses of desoldering to do
and unless you are in a commercial situation, it's a bit of a occasionally used luxury item ;)

solder wick is my main go-to for desoldering a few components here and there

as far as that particular station goes, haven't seen one before, had no idea what they are like for reliability


I desolder allthe time because i salvage components from old boards but still that is not the reason i want to get a station. The true reason it that i think it is usefull when it comes to sensitive components or even sensitive PCB's
Yes, true but today i had to replace a broken sata connector on a PCB. Guess what ! without the station it would be a real pain in the *, now it just took me 5 min and no damage to the boards.