Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Yeoman Plotter Questions??



I picked up a Yeoman Plotter on ebay and although the manuals are pretty
good on the operation they do lack on the technical stuff.

I need to know the Pin Out of the 4 pin data connecter.. The unit came with
a new OEM data cable with the corrrect 4 pin plug, however it only has two
wires. These are labeled as RED = Data + and BLACK = Data - ..

I have hooked it up with the assumption that the Data + is the NMEA In and
the Data - is the signal ground. It works fine for the GPS input..

However, What about the NMEA Out that it is suppose to have?? I have to
assume that the NMEA Out is on the connector but this cable was made up just
for the NMEA In.

Only two other pins to experiment with but I don't have the test gear to
check for the correct output..

Anyone have any experience with this or any suggestions??

Larry, you were telling us about hooking one up on Lionheart.. Could you

Also, I'm wondering it if is ok to mark on the plastic chart cover sheet to
maintain a plot as I would on a paper chart??Would pencil erase ok on that

s/v Good Intentions


Peter said:
Connection details are available at
According to this doc the
cable should have the following wires:
Thin BLACK - 0 volts and NMEA OUT (B)
RED - 12 volts power
YEOMAN Thick BLACK (screen) is optional. Connect to ship's ground or
0 volts.

That would be the pinout an colors for the 5 pin connector. Mine has a 4 pin
data connector and a seperater power connector..

I took my Yeoman apart yesterday and with a view of the internal wiring and
colors, I think I can now figure this out.

Thanks for the reply.

s/v Good Intentions

Vic Fraenckel

Could you Yeoman users please tell me what this guy is selling:

The seller has yet to respond to my query.

I have been following this thread which peaked my interest in Yeoman. Yes, I
have been to their web site.

Any enlightenment will be appreciated.



Victor Fraenckel - The Windman
vfraenc1 ATSIGN nycap DOT rr DOTcom

Home of the WindReader Electronic Theodolite
Read the WIND

"Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long
and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival."
- Winston [Leonard Spencer] Churchill (1874 - 1965)

Dost thou not know, my son, with how little wisdom the world is governed?
-Count Oxenstierna (ca 1620) to the young King Gustavus Adolphus


As clearly indicated in the picture of the Ebay item, it is a Yeoman XP1.
Does your mother know you are playing around on Ebay?

Sorry, couldn't resist that one! The XP1 is a recently superceded product,
replaced by the Expedition. A google search will give a description. The XP1
was oriented to the land market....the clipboard size matrix is smaller than
that on marine products, and I'm not sure of the functions on the cordless
puck compared to the cord variety.

Yeoman are not particularily helpful on their site with regard to
identification and support of superceded products.