Maker Pro
Maker Pro

WVP-50N National Colour Video Camera



This is something circa 1982. Consisted of a largish, for hand held,
camera and a matching VHS recording pack carried on a shoulder strap. It
ran off a NiCd battery pack. Also came with a mains power station that
could recharge the NiCd pack and distribute the wideo signal

When it was last used, the camera worked, aka image on the sperate CRT
in the hand held bit and on the vcr outlets on recording pack and base

I am now trying to run the camera standalone, but think I'm stumped as
it requires certain signals from the recording pack. Both the camera and
the mains station had standby settings, which i suspect responded to a
button on the recording pack. Unfortunately the recording pack has been
binned, but the internal sockets kept for camera and mains station.

Also have been unable to find anything helpful on the internet about
this unit. Even the manual floggers have given up trying to make out
they have manuals.

Basically looking for cluebies to understand it better.

The mains station has a 11 wire plug and when powered on, provides the
following voltages on the following wires
red -18.7V
purple -19.1 V
black 0.0 V
light blue +2.5 V

The camera has an ten wire plug with wire colours matching the first ten
colours of the mainsd station plug.

If the black and red wires and joined to their matching colours on the
camera plug, a relay clicks in the mains station, but voltages alter

Red -18.1V to -8.1V
black 0.0V
light blue +2.5V to +7.4V (not connected across)

Seven of the remaining 8 wires on the camera plug then return -1.2V. the
8th(gray) is 0.0V.

But, the power led on the camera is still unlit.

Tried disassembling the camera to see if I could find out where the
wires went internally, but it requires compled board on each side to be
removed and disonnects as the cable entry is really buried underneath
the main camera.

Would like to get the camera working as it has auto iris and auto focus.


James Sweet

Terryc said:
This is something circa 1982. Consisted of a largish, for hand held,
camera and a matching VHS recording pack carried on a shoulder strap. It
ran off a NiCd battery pack. Also came with a mains power station that
could recharge the NiCd pack and distribute the wideo signal

When it was last used, the camera worked, aka image on the sperate CRT in
the hand held bit and on the vcr outlets on recording pack and base

I am now trying to run the camera standalone, but think I'm stumped as it
requires certain signals from the recording pack. Both the camera and the
mains station had standby settings, which i suspect responded to a button
on the recording pack. Unfortunately the recording pack has been binned,
but the internal sockets kept for camera and mains station.

Also have been unable to find anything helpful on the internet about this
unit. Even the manual floggers have given up trying to make out they have

Basically looking for cluebies to understand it better.

The mains station has a 11 wire plug and when powered on, provides the
following voltages on the following wires
red -18.7V
purple -19.1 V
black 0.0 V
light blue +2.5 V

The camera has an ten wire plug with wire colours matching the first ten
colours of the mainsd station plug.

If the black and red wires and joined to their matching colours on the
camera plug, a relay clicks in the mains station, but voltages alter

Red -18.1V to -8.1V
black 0.0V
light blue +2.5V to +7.4V (not connected across)

Seven of the remaining 8 wires on the camera plug then return -1.2V. the
8th(gray) is 0.0V.

But, the power led on the camera is still unlit.

Tried disassembling the camera to see if I could find out where the wires
went internally, but it requires compled board on each side to be removed
and disonnects as the cable entry is really buried underneath the main

Would like to get the camera working as it has auto iris and auto focus.


These usually had power supplies available which mated to the camera and
provided composite video and audio out. You might find one of those on ebay
or at a thrift store, but that stuff is getting really old.


James said:
These usually had power supplies available which mated to the camera and
provided composite video and audio out. You might find one of those on ebay
or at a thrift store, but that stuff is getting really old.

<mutter mutter stupid cut and paste>

The shoulder box effectively did that as well as recorded to VHS tape.
It had a rechargeable NiCd battery pack for power.
I was hoping that someone might be able to give me a clueby on how to
Decided that the red wire must be just some "signal wire"as no
measureable current flows through it.
Already tried 0-15 + & - on each of the other wires referenced to the
black, but no response from the camera.
next step will be to try 0-30v + & - on each wire and see if I can get
some response without letting the magic smoke out.

No luck on ebay this time. Not even the 1,000 video head motors that
someone was offering last time {:-0.
Pin out for the connector.

Video camera's from this era (1970's to late 1980's) Pre-Handy Cam, use a standard 10 pin connector. The pin numbers are as follows:

Pin Numbers:

  4. GND
  8. GND
  9. GND
  10. 12 Vdc IN
k k= KEY-WAY
1 8
2 9 7
3 10 6
5 4

I hope this is of use.
James Sweet wrote:

> These usually had power supplies available which mated to the camera and
> provided composite video and audio out. You might find one of those on ebay
> or at a thrift store, but that stuff is getting really old.

<mutter mutter stupid cut and paste>

The shoulder box effectively did that as well as recorded to VHS tape.
It had a rechargeable NiCd battery pack for power.
I was hoping that someone might be able to give me a clueby on how to
Decided that the red wire must be just some "signal wire"as no
measureable current flows through it.
Already tried 0-15 + & - on each of the other wires referenced to the
black, but no response from the camera.
next step will be to try 0-30v + & - on each wire and see if I can get
some response without letting the magic smoke out.

No luck on ebay this time. Not even the 1,000 video head motors that
someone was offering last time {:-0.

OOPS too late with my information. These Camera's are 12 Volt operation, 30 Volt will definitely kill it. As for the Ground reference use any of the shield wires.