Maker Pro
Maker Pro

WTF is a Chemical Fuse??


Phil Allison

"klem kedidelhopper"

" Klem the Kiddle Fiddler "

Sorry Phil that I
blew right past your response however I guess I'd have to wonder if
YOU read what I wrote. I thought that I was clearly asking about a
Chemical or "pico" type fuse, not a polyswitch.

** Where did you get the name " chemical fuse " from - eh ?

Did you simply invent it ???

A "Pico" fuse is simply a wire fuse in a package like a resistor.

Over to YOU - cunthead.

..... Phil

Meat Plow

"klem kedidelhopper"

" Klem the Kiddle Fiddler "

Sorry Phil that I
blew right past your response however I guess I'd have to wonder if YOU
read what I wrote. I thought that I was clearly asking about a Chemical
or "pico" type fuse, not a polyswitch.

** Where did you get the name " chemical fuse " from - eh ?

Did you simply invent it ???

A "Pico" fuse is simply a wire fuse in a package like a resistor.

Over to YOU - cunthead.

.... Phil

Piss off Phil. Your rhetoric is no longer valid.