Maker Pro
Maker Pro

WTB: PC Based Mimic Screen



Looking for a PC based mimic screen system which will;

a) Allow aprox 100+ open/closed contacts to be connected (alarm sensors


b) Display status of all of them on a PC screen

c) Sound an alarm noise when any of the contacts changes state until a
"reset" is pressed as well as give a graphic representation that the
state has changed (ie from green to red)

d) Allow any individual circuit to be muted (latched)

Can anyone recommend a company that might supply such a device?




you can do all of this with the entrapass series software from Kantech
all you need is a few Kt-300 with zone expansion board.(if my memory is
right you can have up to 16 zone by controller)

the software monitor all the input and can display the status of all of them
on one screen or multiple layer of menu,as you which..

it will even have the status displayed on a bmp or AutoCAD file of your site
so you can see from a single view the whole status of a floor,building or
even multiple building,multiple floor . it all depend of the size of screen
you have!

it will ask you for an acknowledge by a pop up message with
sound,customizable sound ,can even be set on 10 different priority level
with different sound..

all this live,it can connect to controller on a serial port,or with a modem
or on tcp-ip,each loop can have up to 32 controller

and you have 2 reader input as a controller...

you can download demo software on their site..and if you want to test it on
a real controller I am sure our friend from tri-ed will help you with it..

(p.s.) I don't work for them (even if I give some training on this product
from time to time) I just love this product,its stability and ease of use..

G. Morgan

Subject: WTB: PC Based Mimic Screen
=> Spike <= said:
Looking for a PC based mimic screen system which will;

a) Allow aprox 100+ open/closed contacts to be connected (alarm sensors


b) Display status of all of them on a PC screen

c) Sound an alarm noise when any of the contacts changes state until a
"reset" is pressed as well as give a graphic representation that the
state has changed (ie from green to red)

d) Allow any individual circuit to be muted (latched)

Can anyone recommend a company that might supply such a device?

What is the application? There are some fancy nurse call systems that will do
that, plus voice; however that may be more than the customer wants to spend.

There are also PLC's (programmable logic controllers) that can be programmed to
do anything you want. That may be overkill too.

You can "roll your own" with a dedicated PC and I/O cards.