Maker Pro
Maker Pro

WTB:older micro boards 6502,6800,z80, 8086, 9900,sc/mp etc



Hi after older type early microprocessor development boards based on
early microprocessor chips (around late 70's early 1980's era).. e.g.
8080/85/z80,680X,sc/mp's,2650,TI9900,6502, 8086 ,z8000,68000 etc.. not
after full microcomputers (e.g. commodores, etc.) but development
systems that ere basically a cpu chip+ some ram ,some sort of interface
and i/o on a board .. or similar setup ...

also any books/manuals to go with those micro' and interface to them..

going or not going is fine .. as long as there is reasonable info to
repair them or be able to use them for parts ..


I have a Z-8 CCP Emulator in almost new condition,

Was considering using it for next round of chips, or earlier
z86e02 etc

Interested ?

peter purple in perth

Mike Harding

A friend has Z8000 & a few more dev't kits (with cross-ass'r s/w & books)
He also has a huge box of Education Kits for a British-dev'd multiprocessor
ready (or parallel processing) CPU.

Must be the Transputer. A great idea which never really
took off, I wonder why? Never used it myself though.

Mike Harding

Craig Ian Dewick

ARA said:
A friend has Z8000 & a few more dev't kits (with cross-ass'r s/w & books)
He also has a huge box of Education Kits for a British-dev'd multiprocessor
ready (or parallel processing) CPU. I'll fwd your post to him & let him ring

That's probably the Transputer.


Ken Taylor

Craig Ian Dewick said:
That's probably the Transputer.

As developed by the University of Edinburgh. A marvel of it's time, now
replaced by a single chip. :)
