after any of the early microprocessor single development type boards
based on any early micros ...8080,8085,z80,6800,6502, sc/mp,6809 etc and
any of the 16bit ones m68000, tms9900,8086 etc.
also any books on them and micro interfacing. most of these are late
70's and early 80's era.
email with what you have and how much ..I'll pay any postage ..
based on any early micros ...8080,8085,z80,6800,6502, sc/mp,6809 etc and
any of the 16bit ones m68000, tms9900,8086 etc.
also any books on them and micro interfacing. most of these are late
70's and early 80's era.
email with what you have and how much ..I'll pay any postage ..