Maker Pro
Maker Pro

WTB: Basic Signal or Function Generator




I'm in the market for a basic, working, signal or function generator.
This will be used for audio equipment, so, a 2mHz unit would be fine.
It should generate sine waves and have adjustable amplitude and freq. I
think the largest signal I would need is 1v P-P and I can't imagine
needing a signal in excess of 20kHz. I would like to keep this at $50
or under.
Please email with details,

[email protected]

Robert Baer

beartooth91 said:

I'm in the market for a basic, working, signal or function generator.
This will be used for audio equipment, so, a 2mHz unit would be fine.
It should generate sine waves and have adjustable amplitude and freq. I
think the largest signal I would need is 1v P-P and I can't imagine
needing a signal in excess of 20kHz. I would like to keep this at $50
or under.
Please email with details,

[email protected]

Check e-bay; i got an HP3312A that does sine, square, triangle with
modulation and pulse capabilities; to 10V P-P and .01Hz-13MHz.