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Maker Pro

Would Like to Hear these Maas-Rowe Carillon songs

I am a Female that has Autism-The Aspergers Kind that lives in Charlotte, North Carolina that has an interest in Church Bells-carillons , Electronic Carillons. I really love the Maas-Rowe Carillons and I am wondering What do the Maas-Rowe Grand Symphony Carillon Versions of these SPECIFIC songs sound like?:
1. Holy Holy Holy
2. Blessed Assurance
3. How Great Thou Art
4. My Country Tis of Thee
5. Fairest Lord Jesus
6. Just a Closer walk with thee
7. Christ the lord is risen today
8. Jesus paid it all

I would love to hear these SPECIFIC songs live in person IT WOULD REALLY MEAN A LOT TO ME. In My part of Charlotte North Carolina there is no Churches with a Maas-Rowe Carillon system I have an interest in Sound I would not mind hearing the analog versions of these SPECIFIC songs IT WOULD REALLY MEAN A LOT TO ME.If you know the answers to these questions please message me.
