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wondering about alarm dealer moved to florida 80's


nick markowitz

There was a notorious alarm dealer up here in Pa that went by AAA
alarm his name was Morie (mooky) Marcus he supposedly retired to
Florida mid 80's has any one ever run across him he would be in his
90's at this point if he still up and around.

nick markowitz

Well .... it seems that when Mooky first moved down to Florida, he was
takin a walk down in Fort Meyers. He came to an intersection and there
was this car being driven by another old guy, coming down the street.
Although it's common knowledge to most seasoned Floridians, Mooky,
being new to the area, saw the left hand signal flashing and didn't
realize that most drivers in Florida drive with their signal lights
flashing. Mooky thought the driver was going to turn at the
intersection and stepped out into the street. A witness thought, but
couldn't be positive, that he heard the car accelerate before it hit
Mooky. So actually, the driver was the last person to "run across"
Mookey. The driver said he didn't know he'd hit anyone. He said that
he thought that he'd hit a speed bump and just kept on going.

Ironically, when they finally caught up with the driver, in the course
of the investigation, it was revealed that years before, when the
driver had lived in Pennsylvainia, Mookey had collected payment for
installing an alarm system from him, but ran off with the money.

No one is really sure of how aware of what happened ......  the old
guy is.

Funny how these things work out sometimes ..... eh?

If the story is true that would be a very ironic ending indeed but i
could see it happening down there.

nick markowitz

OH Come ON Nick,

I was just kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- Hide quoted text -

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I know you were kidding but i could see it still happening.
call it ultimate justice.

Roger W

OH Come ON Nick,

I was just kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Ha Ha. That's a good one. Reminds me of Rowan and Martin.......Abbot
and Costello...Martin and Lewis. Obviously, Nick's the "straight man"

Roger W


Are you implying that I'm not STRAIGHT?

Well......... I wasn't going to bring it up but..... Didn't you once
admit to being a Homo sapien? :) Or was that the other Jim.


Bob Worthy

Jim said:

Are you implying that I'm not STRAIGHT?

There was a crooked man who walk a crooked mile......Didn't that have to do
with just being plain old?

Bob Worthy

Robert L Bass said:
Old is a relative term. When I was in college a young freshman girl once
asked my age. I said 22 and she replied, "Wow! I didn't know we had any
old people here." On the other hand, my 88-year old mother recently asked
(in jest), "What do you think I'm an old lady?"

I had the good sense to answer, "No, Mom. Of course not." :^)

Good move. Otherwise she might have cuffed you along side your ear.