Maker Pro
Maker Pro

WNG noise toaster

Hi all, dunno why but wng's always seem to give me problems. If anybody could help me diagnose and fix I'd much appreciate it.

Anyhow, I have this breadboarded but am not getting white noise sound from Q6-C. In fact no sound. In hz i get random frequencies the most common being 3.3hz (ish). I have swapped in and out transistors etc but to no avail, maybe i got a bad batch of 2N3904's

9v in (8.9 at test)

Here is the leg readings.

Q2: C = 8.9v. B = 0.56v. E = ground
Q5: C = N/C. B = ground. E = 8.11v
Q6: C = 8.15v. B = 0.56v. E = ground


And here is the noise toasters full schematic.



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
An easy mistake. I hope it all goes smoothly for you now.

Are you making a modular synth?
Hi Steve.

Yeah I bought the Make: Analogue Synth book and am working my way through it. I'm debugging the noise toaster mod synth as I have built it now. However, I don't know what made me think it was a good idea but I've built it all on strip board. I really like the puzzle of transferring schems to strip board but I think this may be a step too far :)
Have you made modular synths? this is my first attempt. I've made quite a lot of audio projects, but much smaller than this. I figured if I really wanted to understand audio electronics I should be making synths and I need to get better at understanding my oscilloscope (it's not working at the minute, but in for repairs).


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I have made about 30 modules from nonlinearcircuits. Once a month Nathan and Andrew come to my local hackerspace and anything up to 40 people build either the "module of the night" or some other module that they're interested in.
I have made about 30 modules from nonlinearcircuits. Once a month Nathan and Andrew come to my local hackerspace and anything up to 40 people build either the "module of the night" or some other module that they're interested in.
That sounds grand. Wish there was a audio hacker night near me, I tried to set one up but no one was interested.