Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Wireless Power Transmission

Good day to all.
I'm an electronic communication systems student. I am currently in the process of designing a wireless power transfer system. The problem i have faced is the simplicity in Tesla's coil theory. This has left me short in terms of required range in order for my project to be viable and applicable. Thus far I am toying with the notion of microwave transfer or the use of oscillators. To be honest I am a bit stumped on how to proceed. I am very open minded on what method may be best. In other words... PLEASE HELP.


Thus far I am toying with the notion of microwave transfer or the use of oscillators. To be honest I am a bit stumped on how to proceed. I am very open minded on what method may be best. In other words... PLEASE HELP

wireless power transfer ... power of any significant levels .... wont occur over distances of move than a few cm's or so
the losses are huge

I already, like 1000's of commercial users use microwave transmitters, for watts of transmitted power only microwatts of power is received at anything more than a metre or more away

And you CANNOT transmit 100's of watts of microwave power into the surrounds, as you will cook everybody and everything

in the words of Scotty from Star Trek

Ye canne break the laws of physics

I like to reference the inverse square law for projects like this.

That being said, there is some interesting research being done for wirelessly providing power within a room by Disney. Transmit power if I recall right was a couple thousand watts, although I'm unsure if the room was populated with people when they did their capacity test.
Reference on YouTube here :

If you aren't using a cavity, and want a point-to-point, or point-to-multipoint then you've got a long way to go.

What kind of specifics for your project did you have in mind?
I like to reference the inverse square law for projects like this.

That being said, there is some interesting research being done for wirelessly providing power within a room by Disney. Transmit power if I recall right was a couple thousand watts, although I'm unsure if the room was populated with people when they did their capacity test.
Reference on YouTube here :

If you aren't using a cavity, and want a point-to-point, or point-to-multipoint then you've got a long way to go.

What kind of specifics for your project did you have in mind?
Thanks, brilliant link. I was hoping for something small just a tad bit more efficient than the standard tesla coil wireless transfer. With the help of oscillators i reckon I could use resonance to increase my range a few more cms. My problem is the circuit I should use for a more effective oscillator. At this point I'm not trying to power heavy loads. But perhaps to illuminate a few LEDs


Thanks, brilliant link. I was hoping for something small just a tad bit more efficient than the standard tesla coil wireless transfer. With the help of oscillators i reckon I could use resonance to increase my range a few more cms. My problem is the circuit I should use for a more effective oscillator. At this point I'm not trying to power heavy loads. But perhaps to illuminate a few LEDs

thanks for that clarification
I am pleased to see you are on the right track :)

What steps have you planned to screen your kit electro-magnetically, so that it won't act as a powerful interference source to annoy the neighbours (and attract attention of the Authorities!) ?