Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Wire-Wrap: looking for a copy of "Wiremaster"

This was - in my opinion - the best wire-wrap wirelist management software ever developed. We used it extensively on numerous aerospace industry jobs. I would love to have a copy for some simple hobby projects I am working on.

As I recall the creator of this was named Gary Gilbraith somewhere near Los Angeles, CA.

This software interfaced several standard schematic capture CAD software netlist formats, such as OrCAD, PADS, Tango, etc. WireMaster implemented a "traveling salesman" minimization algorithm for optimizing netlist route path-lengths, and generated a wiring checklist file that sorted the work into first level wires first, then second level wires, and third level if there were any. The wiring list also was sorted into measured wire lengths, and would also optionally sort the wiring list by "longer wires first" so that the long wires would be held down by the shorter wires.

Anybody know if this software is available from an archive someplace? Or maybe Gary is still out there someplace?
