Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Windows 7 Volume Corruption 22 september 2011


Skybuck Flying


Something very strange just happened a few minutes ago.

I woke up lol.

No that's not it lol.

I powered on my computer/DreamPC2006 also known as NightmarePC2006.

It had two relatively new 2 TB Hitachi Harddisks and 2 old 500 GB Hitachi
Harddisks, one with a bad sector or so but that shouldn't be a problem.

Today Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit edition FAILED TO BOOT !

It seemed like the harddisk HANG ?!?!?!

Maybe it was doing an update and I resetted the computer in the midst of an
update or maybe something else was going on but it was strange ?!?!?!?

Then as I rebooted the computer it started to act weird, no more boot, or a
strange 640x480 screen, it just wouldn't boot.

I thought maybe the bad harddisk has something to do with it.

So I removed BOTH old harddisks.



WTF ?!?!?!?!?

Maybe it's the bios ?!?! Maybe the BIOS cannot boot from 2 TB harddisks
?!?!?! HUH ?!?!?!?!

(I also booted from windows xp 64 bit floppy disk, but they could not access
2 TB's harddisks).

I decided to plug the OLD harddisks BACK IN !

And now suddenly the NEW harddisks where bootable again ?!?!?

I decided to run Windows REPAIR.

It dedicated a CORRUPTED VOLUME on F: ?!?!?!?!?

Which is on the new drives I think ?!?!?!?!?! WTF ?!?!?!?!

I am starting to wonder if the BOOT program is maybe on the old harddisks

I DONT THINK SO... I think the boot manager for windows 7 is on new harddisk
?!?!? HUH ?!?! But it failed somehow ?!?! HUH ?!?!?

Very strange... maybe later today I should try unplugging the OLD harddisks
to see WTF happens ?!?! I am very confused at the moment about WTF is going

Anyway the REPAIR mode of Windows 7 repaired the harddisk after a couple of
minutes ?!?!?

But please don't tell me the boot program is actually on the old harddisk
which could fail at any moment ?!?!? Are you fokking kidding me ?!?

I'll have to investigate WTF is going on ?!?

I could also be a bad update from Microsoft ?!?!?

Amazingly the repair program also checked for updates, but didn't find

This was a very strange morning ! I was hoping to program something.

But that will have to wait, goddamn it, again !

This got me spooked !

I am first going to take a shover, eat, get groceries or so, and then I am
going to make a DATA BACKUP and then I will have to do some more
investigation !

I almost ended up "VIRTUALLY/DIGITALLY HOMELESS" ! ;) =D I only have an old
pentium 166 still work, and a windows 95 computer.

I also have to check the news ! To see if anybody else had problems this
morning with the computers ?!?!?

What a strange morning it is ! (Could also be a strange electronic problem
or so, or a current or maybe an earthquake at night... I did got woken up
but some big bang ?!? but maybe I just dreamed it... from a game called dead
space 2 and a woman splattering across a glass window ?! Pls don't interrupt
me when I am typing windows live damn (checking mail gjez do that in
background) ! ;) :))

Man.... anybody else had a weird digital morning ?


So I gotta check where the **** the boot program is located and why it
didn't boot when I removed the other two ?!? Huh ?!? Maybe it needs other
SATA channels/cables/wires/plugs/slots ?!?! HUH ?!? I set boot to both
drivers in bios it didn't help... very weird. I am pretty sure when I
installed windows the boot program was on the new drive.... now stupid
microsoft virus scanner is fokking with my disk drive... man windows 7 worse
then xp in some ways... old this distracting annoying shit going on... I
wish I could go back to XP sometimes... but with some new windows 7
improvements here and there... I wish windows 7, windows 8 and XP were
merged into one... and the annoying stuff of windows 7 out of it and windows
live too... but I guess virus scanner has to check for virus on drive a...
but I never use drive a ?!? Ain't that stupid ?!?
I should be able to configure it so it stops doing that ?! Gonna try right
now. Ok this time I added: "A:" to exclude locations... and this time I am
going to save it and apply it !
Cause that's stupid... maybe it will even fok up my floppy disk drive if it
continues with that nonsense ! I might need it you know... in desperate
situations like this ! Pls think about what you doing to my floppy drive
MICROSOFT ! It's always same shit with you guys ! Fortunately today IT WAS
NOT ANOTHER DEATH ! Fortunately you guys did well somehow and SAVED MY
SYSTEM ! Thank you for that ! But it better not be a WINDOWS UPDATE RELATED
PROBLEM YOU BASTARDS !?!?!?!?!?!? ;) =D

(Motherboard is some ASROCK motherboard, check my other postings for
hardware details... strange)


Skybuck Flying

There are 4 warnings related to microsoft's security essentials today:

"Installation Failure: Windows failed to install the following update with
error 0x80070643: Definition Update for Microsoft Security Essentials -
KB2310138 (Definition"

Maybe that has something to do with it ?

Please don't tell me that microsoft's own security scanner failed to
recgonized some new file, deleted it and causes a problem ?!?

Or it causes some kind of volume corruption ?!? WEIRD.

Windows is so complex ?!?

There is not even a mention of the repair session in the events ?!?

Where the fok do I find it ?!?

There is probably a log of it somewhere ?!?

I want to show you guys some evidence of what happened ?!?


Skybuck Flying

Well there are more of these warnings for the virus scanner since a few
days, in adminstrative events, so this probably not it... also tunggle seems
to do something weird when perhaps service not running or something.

Well I'll have to google this later where to find some repair log...

Continueing to examine my system... to see if I spot anything weird.


Skybuck Flying

Apperently this issue with virus scanner has been going on for a while.

Microsoft actually installed a beta on my system according to this link/guy
which noticed the same problem.

This problem has at least been going on for 2 months now:

Please don't install your beta crap on my system Microsoft !

And there is also this firebord crap from Delphi XE producing warnings. So
many warnings and events from all kinds of software... stupid really.


Skybuck Flying

Forgot to make a point here in other posting.

New microsoft security essentials version 2 available and should probably be
installed to take care of certain problems.

Since a month ago the old one is not updating anymore it's a risk me thinks
! ;)

Everybody with windows 7 problably has that problem, way to go microsoft !
;) :)

I expect nothing else from you but suckage.


Skybuck Flying

Now this fokking piece of shit of an event viewer is complaining that I have
to close all dialog boxes first ?!?!?

There are no dialog boxes ?!?!?

Gjezus fucking christ has Windows 7 turned into a steaming pile of shit !

My advice to Microsoft:

Stop developing new crap.

Get rid of all excessive crap.

Slim down and focus on quality quality quality quality and usuability.

Quality has gone down, and usuability has gone down.

Starting to make me think to switch to something else.

It's starting to get annoying all these little paper cuts.



Now this fokking piece of shit of an event viewer is complaining that I have
to close all dialog boxes first ?!?!?

There are no dialog boxes ?!?!?

Gjezus fucking christ has Windows 7 turned into a steaming pile of shit !

My advice to Microsoft:

Stop developing new crap.

Get rid of all excessive crap.

Slim down and focus on quality quality quality quality and usuability.

Quality has gone down, and usuability has gone down.

Starting to make me think to switch to something else.

It's starting to get annoying all these little paper cuts.

Have you considered getting a Mac?


MICROSOFT ! It's always same shit with you guys ! Fortunately today IT WAS
NOT ANOTHER DEATH ! Fortunately you guys did well somehow and SAVED MY
SYSTEM ! Thank you for that ! But it better not be a WINDOWS UPDATE RELATED
PROBLEM YOU BASTARDS !?!?!?!?!?!? ;) =D

YOU are a goddamned retard.

YOU are the idiot that breaks your hardware.

YOU deserve to have every computer you ever touch fail miserably, just
like your failure to observe proper posting protocols in these groups.

YOU have abused Usenet incessantly for YEARS!.

YOU deserve NO assistance. What you deserve is to FAIL at using a
computer for the rest of your life.

THAT is the Karmic destiny YOU deserve.

And there you have it. That is why it failed. Because YOU touched it.

YOU are pathetic.


Have you considered getting a Mac?

He is so stupid, he'd **** those up as well.

I'll bet the twit can't even keep a phone in working condition.

The cross-posting retarded twit syndrome proves that much.

The way he treats these groups which he invades, he deserves whatever
failure modes befall him for the rest of his pathetic, ignore the rest of
the world, bullheaded stupidity.




In God We Trust
StickThatInYourPipeAndSmokeIt said:
On Thu, 22 Sep 2011 10:40:00 +0200, "Skybuck Flying"

André , PE1PQX

Have you considered getting a Mac?

Consider to ignore the Skyfuck idiot...

Skybuck Flying

Today I took it easy and had some relax time, badly needly after such a
shocking incident too.

But before I took a time to relax I had to know one thing first:

"Are the two new harddisks bootable without the two old ones yes or no ?"

The answer is no.

This is now a very very very serious issue and therefore I am going to
escalate it into seperate threads.



Skybuck said:
Today I took it easy and had some relax time, badly needly after such a
shocking incident too.

But before I took a time to relax I had to know one thing first:

"Are the two new harddisks bootable without the two old ones yes or no ?"

The answer is no.

This is now a very very very serious issue and therefore I am going to
escalate it into seperate threads.


I think you have learned a hard lesson about installing operating systems.

Only have the target hard drive connected to the system, while doing the
installation from the DVD. Unplug all the other drives. That way, the
booting components cannot help but end up on the correct hard drive.


Once you find a single relevant newsgroup to post in, perhaps you'll get the
answer you're looking for. (alt.windows7.general does not exist on all
news servers, but you can ask the administrators of your news server to
add it. alt.windows7.general is not archived by Google either.)

Windows 7 can install in one partition or two partitions. The two partition
version consists of a 100MB primary partition called SYSTEM RESERVED, as
well as the C: partition holding the rest of the files. With some care,
it's possible to install all the components into a single, C: partition.

The Windows 7 DVD has some repair capabilities, but I don't know to what
extent it can "clean up a mess". It was not able to recover my Windows 7
laptop, when I needed it, and I had to restore from a system image backup
to make it work again.


Skybuck Flying

I am starting to believe you a little bit.

But I am unwilling to give up.

There must be a way to save Windows 7 from becoming obsolete.

There must be a way to add a boot manager to the existing harddisks.

So far I have not yet found a Microsoft solution.

So this might perhaps require external/third party software.

Only the retarded minds at Microsoft could have imagined that it would be a
good idea to seperate boot program from windows installation drive.

Their retardness knows no boundaries.

The first thing I am now going to do is to find a Linux Distribution which
can boot and run from CD/DVD with internet support for my/ASROCK motherboard



This is now a very very very serious issue and therefore I am going to
escalate it into seperate threads.

Don't you mean ABUSE THE GROUPS YOU INVADE FURTHER with your utter

Look, ASSWIPE, you are the only idiot answering your own posts.

You want to cry, dipshit? Go dry somewhere else.

And yes, YOU broke your box, not Microsoft, you fucking retard.
Proven in your very first pathetic post, where you stated that you did
not know if you turned your machine off DURING an HD write operation.

Sorry, dumbfuck, but that fuckup is YOURS, not the operating system.

So put the gun to your skull and blow your head off, because you might
actually succeed in doing that task correctly.

Skybuck Flying

Maybe I don't need a linux cd after all to be able to browse the net.

This seems interesting:

Maybe I give it a try:

^ It's something ment for system restore and stuff... it has many browsers,
virus scanners, spyware scanners, tools and it's based on windows xp.

But not yet sure if it's just an iso ready for burning or if windows xp cd
must be used to build a new iso... I think the last but not sure...

I am not sure if using windows xp on a cd is a good idea... since windows xp
very vunerable to viruses and stuff ! ;)


Skybuck Flying

Then again it seems kinda old... and windows xp is ooolldd... and it doesn't
even mention if it should be 32 bit or 64 bit... I guess it's 32 bit... too
much work to start building it now... hmm...

And my motherboard is pretty new... probably 2009 or 2010... so it probably
needs something brand new ;)


Skybuck Flying

I'll probably like this much betteR:

A brand new version of knoppix it seems to be maintained:

It don't hurt to burn a DVD I got plenty of those... if it aint working then
it aint hurting ;) :)

Skybuck =D

Skybuck Flying

Now I burned knoppix with Windows 7's burning tool.. and right before I
clicked the X I noticed text in it's gui.

I think the burn failed... but now I can't be sure cause windows 7 didn't
store a log file of the burning or verification.

I also just used daemon tools and while typing a pop-up came and I typed it
away somehow so now I can go restart again !

I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fed up with windows and it's shitty

And the worst is: I had a nice installation on windows xp... nero... but now
that don't work anymore...

So fed up with this bullshit.

Windows is a HUGE WASTE OF TIME.

Only thing which saved it's faith is memory occuption... so I had to
reinstall anyway... otherwise me fed up with if for real.
