Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Winding Varnish ???



Hi group , I need to know what type of varnish is used on electrical
windings . I have several projects that will require varnish coated
copper wire . Thanks for any good answers to my question in advance . Rick

n cook

rijo said:
Hi group , I need to know what type of varnish is used on electrical
windings . I have several projects that will require varnish coated
copper wire . Thanks for any good answers to my question in advance . Rick

Other than it should be traditional resinous copal varnish, not
polyurathane, as far as i know.

James T. White

rijo said:
Hi group , I need to know what type of varnish is used on electrical
windings . I have several projects that will require varnish coated
copper wire . Thanks for any good answers to my question in advance .


I usually use GC Electronics Red Insulating Varnish (p/n 10-9002).

Set Square

In an earlier contribution to this discussion,
rijo said:
Hi group , I need to know what type of varnish is used on
electrical windings . I have several projects that will require
varnish coated copper wire . Thanks for any good answers to my
question in advance . Rick

I'm sure I've heard of Shellac being used for this purpose.

Smitty Two

rijo said:
Hi group , I need to know what type of varnish is used on electrical
windings . I have several projects that will require varnish coated
copper wire . Thanks for any good answers to my question in advance . Rick

If you're winding your own coils, start with wire that's already coated.
I've wound guitar pickups, power and output transformers for tube
amplifiers, and coils for magnetic bearings. I usually buy wire from
MWS, although I imagine there are other suppliers, too.

You have a choice of several different insulating coatings. Some will
melt with the heat of a soldering iron, which makes termination easy,
and others require mechanical stripping.

Beyond the insulating varnish, you can also buy wire with an additional
coating that melts in an oven, fusing the coils together and making the
coil rigid without a core or bobbin. There are also coatings that melt
with solvent, and pulling the wire through a damp sponge of solvent
bonds the coils together.

To keep the coils quiet, if they aren't bonded by heat or solvent, you
can vacuum pot them in melted paraffin, or some commercial potting


rijo said:
Hi group , I need to know what type of varnish is used on electrical
windings . I have several projects that will require varnish coated copper
wire . Thanks for any good answers to my question in advance . Rick

If you're supposed to use enameled wire (wire with an enamel coating for
insulation), use wire that comes that way from the factory ("magnet wire").
If you want to put a heavy plastic coating over a finished coil, I've had
good luck with (don't laugh) PVC pipe cement, which is a thin clear plastic


rijo said:
Hi group , I need to know what type of varnish is used on electrical
windings . I have several projects that will require varnish coated
copper wire . Thanks for any good answers to my question in advance . Rick


A-C Motor Repair and Rewinding published in 1941 says this--"...dip
the coil in a good black baking varnish and bake it dry...The varnish
should be kept at a specific gravity of about .84; the coils are dipped
cold and allowed to soak about 15 to 20 minutes until the air bubbles
stop rising to the surface of the varnish. Then the coils are drained
and baked from 6 to 10 hours in an oven with forced ventilation, at
from 115-120 C or about 240 to 250 F. For normal operating conditions
two dips and baking are preferable...four or five dips and bakes are
advisable for bad operating conditions....."

I have never insulated my own wire but it can be done--enamel wire just
sounds simpler.

Good luck,



rijo said:
Hi group , I need to know what type of varnish is used on electrical
windings . I have several projects that will require varnish coated
copper wire . Thanks for any good answers to my question in advance . Rick
Thanks to everyone who participated answering my question . Thanks
again , Rick