Hi, Im looking at generating RF and LO signals 450khz apart at various
frequencies from 100mhz -> ~2ghz, wich proved too tricky doing it with vcos
at the top end, even at 100mhz it seems I need oudles of
seperation/screening/isolation and decoupling etc so Im thinking of using a
dual DDS 400msps, and suitable frequency multiplication.
With cascaded frequency doublers to get the widest range without having to
do so much band switching, question is wich is best frequency doubler, a
gilbert cell is comonly used but i'd need 5 per channel, idealy it should
have a gain of >=1 so it can be cascaded easily, the best solution I have
come up with so far is to use a long tailed pair and a diode from each
collector providing rectification going to the next stage.
I could use varactors on each stage and drive them from an agc to give a
tracking filter.
I doubt if this is new but is there any neater solutions ?
Colin =^.^=
frequencies from 100mhz -> ~2ghz, wich proved too tricky doing it with vcos
at the top end, even at 100mhz it seems I need oudles of
seperation/screening/isolation and decoupling etc so Im thinking of using a
dual DDS 400msps, and suitable frequency multiplication.
With cascaded frequency doublers to get the widest range without having to
do so much band switching, question is wich is best frequency doubler, a
gilbert cell is comonly used but i'd need 5 per channel, idealy it should
have a gain of >=1 so it can be cascaded easily, the best solution I have
come up with so far is to use a long tailed pair and a diode from each
collector providing rectification going to the next stage.
I could use varactors on each stage and drive them from an agc to give a
tracking filter.
I doubt if this is new but is there any neater solutions ?
Colin =^.^=