Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Why won't field-oriented controlled PMSM motor spin in Simulink?

Good afternoon,

I have developed a Field-Oriented Control for a PMSM motor in Simulink using Simscape Electrical but my motor is not spinning. I have tried applying various speed values but nothing happens. I am applying a step signal from 0 to 300 but the motor speed still doesn't move. My error signal, however, tracks my input as it should. I do not know what has happened. Could someone look at my simulation and tell me what is going on ? Screenshots of my signals are attached and simulink file can be downloaded from my OneDrive: FOC_SIMSCAPE.slx

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I don't have simscape electrical, so can't try it. Nor have I doe anything much with rotating machinery, so unfamiliar with your blocks.
I think I get the Clarke and Park stuff from the descriptions on Mathworks
Sorry not familiar with/don't know what PWMTest does.
I see a speed error.
What's "theta"?
What rotates? That is what turns speed into an increasing angle?