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Why are wind turbine blades long and skinny instead of short and fat?


Energy Guy

When you look at the average household electric fan, the blades are
large, with practically no clear space between the blades.

Sort of like the propeller on a boat.

But wind turbine blades are long and skinny. Seems to me that they
catch very little wind-force being so skinny.

Why not make them wider (fatter) - more like an electric fan? Might get
more RPM or torque at low wind speed that way.


Energy Guy said:
Why not make them wider (fatter) - more like an electric fan? Might get
more RPM or torque at low wind speed that way.

Real wind turbines are not designed like a fan, they are designed like a wing.
Wings on most airplanes are long and relatively skinny. For reasons that
someone else will have to explain to you, this us far more efficient than a
shorter, but fatter wing.


Energy Guy

Josepi said:
I am no expert but simply put, RPM speed, like a plane prop. Wide
blades cause too much air resistance.

If the goal of a house fan is to generate as much air flow as possible
with as small a motor as possible (and possibly as weak a motor as
possible) then the result is fan blades that are wide and fat. When it
comes to making air move, blades that are wide and fat seem to be used
in more situations vs blades that are long and thin.

Wide and fat blades seem to be efficient at making air move.

Why isin't the converse true - that wide and fat blades are more
efficient at being moved by air?

Look at a jet engine compressor. The blades are thin, but there are
many of them, resulting in a frontal surface area that is mostly blade.


vaughn said:
Real wind turbines are not designed like a fan, they are designed like a wing.
Wings on most airplanes are long and relatively skinny. For reasons that
someone else will have to explain to you, this us far more efficient than a
shorter, but fatter wing.

Lift and drag are why wings are better than blades. Wings are pulled by
lift as well as pushed, and have less drag to slow them down as well.


Energy said:
Josepi wrote:

When it
comes to making air move, blades that are wide and fat seem to be used
in more situations vs blades that are long and thin.

2 words: Airplane propellors


Ron Rosenfeld said:
If I understand what you are writing, in terms of making the "blades" more
like a fan, this does, in fact, produce more torque. And at lower speeds.
It is a design type used extensively in the old water-pumping farm
windmills (and probably still used today in Amish country). In this
application, the priority is to get the water pump piston moving, even at
lower wind speeds. Hence the need for high torque.

But this type of design also causes more of a wake, which wastes energy,
and makes the design less efficient. A low-torque, high rpm system is more
efficient at extracting energy from the wind. And fewer blades should be
less expensive, also. Hence it is favored in designs that are optimized
for electricity generation.

Read Paul Gipe's book "Wind Power for Home & Business" for a more detailed

I'll add, if you double the diameter of the blades you are quadrupling the
swept area,
and theoretically have 4 times more energy to extracted from the wind.

Energy Guy

amdx said:
I'll add, if you double the diameter of the blades you are
quadrupling the swept area, and theoretically have 4 times
more energy to extracted from the wind.

The wind can only interact with the blades themselves - not the area in
between the blades.

The narrower the blades, the less surface area of that interaction.

The longer the blades, the higher the centrifical forces along the
blades and more exotic the blade construction (= expensive).

Airplane propeller blades do not even have the same length-to-width
profile as commercial wind plants.

And look at the 4-blade propellers from WW2 bombers - wide and short.

And look at the turbines of jet engines. Total surface area of the
turbine blades is more than half the swept area.

If wide and fat blades are efficient when it comes to making air move,
then the converse must also be true.
Lift and drag are why wings are better than blades. Wings are
pulled by lift as well as pushed, and have less drag to slow
them down as well.

Wings are "pulled" by lift? And are also "pushed" ?

What drugs are you on?

I think you people are trying to say that a wind-mill blade has the
cross-sectional profile of an airplane wing, and that's why these blades
are long and narrow and somehow incorporate the wing-lift principle as a
form of energy extraction.

Wings must be moved forward by engine thrust in order to generate lift.
Wings do not generate any sort of imaginary force in front of them that
aids their forward motion, and certainly they experience drag forces
that must be overcome by engine thrust in order to keep them moving

The lift that is induced by the forward motion of an airplane wing
presumably acts to draw the blades of a wind plant forward (ie - towards
or into the wind) to help it counteract the bending force of the wind
trying to push backwards on it. This "lift" effect would not result in
any additional power extraction from the wind since it acts
perpendicularly to the blade face and not axially in the direction of

You will note that airplane propellers are not shaped like airplane
wings (they do not have the cross-sectional profile of an airplane


Energy said:
The wind can only interact with the blades themselves - not the area in
between the blades.

The narrower the blades, the less surface area of that interaction.

Not true. This is a common misconception, that only the face of the
blade interacts. As the wind in front of a blade slows/changes
direction, the wind between the blades is also interacting. Just
indirectly. How much this 'in between' air interacts is a function of
the fluid properties, speed, and pressure drop through the blading
(front/back of turbine).
The longer the blades, the higher the centrifical forces along the
blades and more exotic the blade construction (= expensive).

Airplane propeller blades do not even have the same length-to-width
profile as commercial wind plants.

And look at the 4-blade propellers from WW2 bombers - wide and short.

And look at the turbines of jet engines. Total surface area of the
turbine blades is more than half the swept area.

Turbine blading looks that way because there is a much larger pressure
change across each row of blading. As the pressure drop/rise across a
row of blading rises, there is more turbulence between wind directly in
front of a blade and wind flowing between blades. This turbulence means
the air 'between blades' is not able to transfer as much of its energy
to the air 'in front of blades'.

But adding more blades also adds more drag. In a windmill, where it
isn't enclosed, you have very little pressure difference from front to
back of the swept area. So there is a lot less turbulence of the wind
and more energy from 'between blade' air can transfer to 'front of
blade' air. And fewer blades means more of total energy comes to output
shaft and is not wasted on overcoming drag.

If typical winds were a lot higher, and air was a lot denser, a
different design *would* work better. But wind is what it is, so the
tri-blade design is one of the most common.
If wide and fat blades are efficient when it comes to making air move,
then the converse must also be true.

This depends on 'making air move'. Are you trying to get a lot of air
to move 1-2 mph, or a small amount of air 7-10 mph? And just how
efficient do you need the fan to be? The manufacturer doesn't pay
operating costs, they pay only construction cost. And the end user
might rather have a 'stiff breeze' blowing on their face than the whole
house ventilated by one fan.

Larger fans for moving air in ducts have fewer blades, and when a high
differential pressure is needed, often are centrifugal blower types with
many, many blades.

Function decides form.
Wings are "pulled" by lift? And are also "pushed" ?

What drugs are you on?

I think you people are trying to say that a wind-mill blade has the
cross-sectional profile of an airplane wing, and that's why these blades
are long and narrow and somehow incorporate the wing-lift principle as a
form of energy extraction.

Wings must be moved forward by engine thrust in order to generate lift.
Wings do not generate any sort of imaginary force in front of them that
aids their forward motion, and certainly they experience drag forces
that must be overcome by engine thrust in order to keep them moving

When the blade is turning, the air flows over the surface just like an
aircraft wing. It's a combination of the wind blowing and the blade
turning. That's why the blade has a 'twist' in it. The part out near
the end is traveling around the circle faster because it is further away
from the center. So for a given wind speed, the apparent wind
approaching the blade near the tip is faster but at a much shallower
angle. To maintain a good 'angle of attack', the blade must be twisted.
The lift that is induced by the forward motion of an airplane wing
presumably acts to draw the blades of a wind plant forward (ie - towards
or into the wind) to help it counteract the bending force of the wind
trying to push backwards on it. This "lift" effect would not result in
any additional power extraction from the wind since it acts
perpendicularly to the blade face and not axially in the direction of

Nope. 'Lift' does not pull the wing of an airplane directly forward, it
pulls it upward (i.e. it is what 'lifts' the airplane off the ground).
When climbing, the force (perpendicular to the wing) is actually tilted
towards the back of the plane somewhat. So increasing the wing's angle
of attack to the air increases lift but also increase the drag that
tends to slow the plane down. Therefore you have to apply power when
climbing to maintain air speed.

On a windmill blade this force works at an angle that pulls the windmill
blade forward slightly but mostly 'around' in the circle, creating
torque. It's *generally* perpendicular to the line fore-aft through the
wing/blade profile. And since the profile is at a complicated angle to
the rotor shaft, the 'lift' force is also at a compound angle. The
total 'lift' force splits between some portion turning the rotor and the
rest tending to warp the blade (has to be considered in blade

Modern sailboat sails are another good example of this. When going
towards the wind at a 45 degree angle (sailing NE when the wind comes
from due N), the sail bulges out and creates an air foil. When properly
trimmed, the air flows along both sides of the sail cloth with little
turbulence. Some of the thrust generated from the sail comes from
re-directing air flow into a new direction (SSW in my example instead of
due S). And some of the thrust is actually a 'lift' force created by
the air foil. This force is more due east. But the boat's keel won't
let it slide due east so this force is split between south-east against
the keel and north-east making the boat move forward.


Energy Guy

Jim said:
Propellors have to be small enough to not hit the runway or harbor

If space and cost permit they look like this:

Exactly. Look at the total area occupied by the blades as a percentage
of the total swept area.

Like this:

And look how many blades this aircraft engine has:

If you look at the Lift Equation (how a wing or turbine blade generates
lift) and Betz's Law (Gives the maximum energy that can be derved from a
given swept area - called the "Betz Limit") you will see that indeed the
more blades the better. Three blades will give you no where near the
Betz Limit. the problems with more blades are noise and mechanical
complexity in the hub to feather all the blades in high wind.

Then there are designs like these:

Wind plants should be optimized to harvest wind energy during times of
very low wind speed, as is typical of the very hot "dog-days" of summer,
when energy requirements are high (for residential and commercial air
conditioning) and ambient wind speeds are very low.

Energy Guy

daestrom said:
Not true. This is a common misconception, that only the face of the
blade interacts. As the wind in front of a blade slows/changes
direction, the wind between the blades is also interacting.

When you have those huge wind plants, a lot of air is going to flow
right between the relatively slow-moving blades without touching them.
There's a lot of potential energy that sailing right between those 3
narrow blades.
This depends on 'making air move'. Are you trying to get a lot of
air to move 1-2 mph, or a small amount of air 7-10 mph? And just
how efficient do you need the fan to be? The manufacturer doesn't
pay operating costs, they pay only construction cost.

The manufacturer wants to build a fan that

- moves the most air relative to the swept area. Which means he
wants to optimize the CFM of the fan relative to the size of
the fan. A smaller fan means a smaller package, smaller
packaging box, more boxes per shipping container, etc etc

- moves the most air relative to the power capacity of the motor.
a weaker motor is a cheaper motor, and also most likely a
lighter motor, making the entire fan lighter and less expensive
to package and ship.

Now reverse all the above.

A fan that doesn't take much energy to produce a given CFM will also be
a fan that doesn't take much CFM to turn a generator to produce energy.
Larger fans for moving air in ducts have fewer blades,

But still have a higher blade-area to swept-area ratio then the massive
commercial wind generators.
When the blade is turning, the air flows over the surface just
like an aircraft wing.

An aircraft wing is designed to generate lift.

If wind power blades were exactly like aircraft wings, then they would
have no twist, would be perfectly flat relative to the plane of
rotation, and wouldn't turn at all if wind was flowing directly
(perpendicularly) into their top (curved) surface.

If you start turning such a blade arrangement using external power, the
blades will experience a bernoulli force that would tend to bend the
blades forward (the same way that a plane wing wants to bend upward and
results in lifting the plane).
Nope. 'Lift' does not pull the wing of an airplane directly

Re-read what I said. I did not say that lift pulls airplane wings

I said that if you take an airplane wing (or 3 wings) and mount them
vertically on a pinwheel, then their rotation would generate a force
that would pull the wings forward (forward means out of the plane of
So increasing the wing's angle of attack to the air increases
lift but also increase the drag that tends to slow the plane

This analogy with a plane wing or an airplane should not consider the
specific cases of take-off and landing, but instead should consider the
situation the wings are in during cruise flight, when the attitude of
the plane and wings are configured for low drag (and essentially no
angle of attack). That is what the wing is really designed for.
Optimal low drag and optimal lift for cruise flight.

That particular mode of operation of aircraft wings (cruise flight) is
of no use for the blades of a wind power plant.

For an aircraft in cruise flight, there is no transverse wind flowing
across the wings (ie no air flow in the direction perpendicular to
forward travel). Airplane wings want to slice through the air - and not
be affected by vertical drafts in air (or cause any such vertical drafts
or flows). Air currents that are perpendicular to the wings result in
turbulance and are not desired and the wings are not designed to either
use this turbulance or create or cause it.

But wind power plants *want* to see air flows that are perpendicular to
the direction of blade travel.

Naturally, the goal of a wind power plant is have it's blades turn, and
(if you imagine the blades rotating in a plane parallel with the ground)
then they might look like the wings of an airplane moving forward, but
the dynamics of that apparent forward motion shares nothing with the
dynamics of an airplane wing that is moving forward.

Energy Guy

Ron said:
The greater the area of the blades, up to a point, the greater the
TORQUE, but the speed will slow.

And I can take torque and with gearing I can get high rpm to drive the
shaft of a generator.
And POWER, which is what we are primarily interested in with
regard to electricity generation, is a function of torque AND
rotor speed.

And if I want to generate electricity on days when wind-speed is low,
then how good will my thin, long narrow blades work in that case?


Energy Guy said:
The wind can only interact with the blades themselves - not the area in
between the blades.

The narrower the blades, the less surface area of that interaction.
My point was, if you double the diameter of the blade you get four times
the power.
Bye! You just made my troll list.

The funniest part is that if energy-nut's theory was correct, it would
have to mean that a whole lot of successful folks are very stupid.
What does he think, that none of them ever noticed how much air that
skinny blades were letting "escape"? The mind boggles. Note to any
gullible readers: energy guy's theory is popularly touted on Ebay in
order to help fleece buyers of poorly constructed wind turbines. Wise
up, blades are cheap. If adding extra ones would create a performance
advantage, then reputable makers would be all over it.



Ron Rosenfeld said:
I think I know what you mean, but I would express this as either doubling
the length of the blades, or doubling the diameter of the swept area.
Yea, I remembered from 35 years ago, that doubling the diameter
gave you 4 times the energy. Then I decided I better look it up before
I post it, my source had the swept area comment that I included.
Would have been clearer if I hadn't added it, even though it's accurate. :)

Bob F

Gene said:
The size and shape of the blades is not determined by solely by

And the concept that wide fat blades are more efficient than narrow blades
because wide fat blades are used in cheapo house fans is ludicrous. Larger
commercial pesestal fans, for instance often use a much narrower blade than the
cheap residential fans.

It is an interesting way to arrive at a conclusion, but hardly a sensible one.

Energy Guy

Gene S. Berkowitz said:
The size and shape of the blades is not determined by solely by

* Wide, fat blades increase the wind load that the tower has
to withstand.

But your premise in that case is that you take an existing tower, with
it's 3 long, skinny blades, and replace them with 3 fat blades. That
wouldn't really happen. You scale down the 3 fat blades (they wouldn't
be as long as the typical long, thin blade) and the tower wouldn't need
to be so tall either.
* Nobody wants to look at giant lollipop disks on the horizon.

And as mentioned above, the new tower (with it's 3 fat blades) isin't
going to be as tall, so it wouldn't be as visible from a distance.

I would even argue that 3 fat blades turning in the distance wouldn't be
as visually noticable (from a motion or movement pov) as 3 long and thin

Energy Guy

Bob said:
And the concept that wide fat blades are more efficient than narrow
blades because wide fat blades are used in cheapo house fans is
ludicrous. Larger commercial pesestal fans, for instance often use
a much narrower blade than the cheap residential fans.

You mean like these: fan.jpg

It's a fact that any fan you can find (industrial, commercial, farm,
etc) will have a larger blade-area to swept-area ratio than the large
3-blade wind power plants.

Daniel who wants to know

Energy Guy said:

Do a Google image search for "drum fan" and look at the blades. Most have 3
long and skinny blades. BTW only links 1,2, and 4 have
commercial pedestal fans. The other 2 links are fancy residential models.
Drum fans are industrial/commercial.