Maker Pro
Maker Pro

White is more purple than white on projection tv

The lack of green to the image needs troubleshot and repaired.
There are too many possibilities for the loss of the green without some
troubleshooting information. It would be worth it if the set is not
one of the earliest RPTV units to have a technician look at it and make
internal measurements to provide you with an estimate for repair.


well.. hehe what is concidered an "early" RPTV? and what makes the
non-early ones worht it more?
Early RPTV, anything made before about 1992 (depends on manufacture and
brand). At that age the color problem could very well be simply worn
out picture tubes which makes the set not worth repair. A proper
diagnosis would still be required to confirm, but were it someone I
know with an RPTV that old that looked like that and had gradually gone
purple over some time, I would recommend replacement.


ah well the RPTV is a 95. Anything you think I could do besides calling
a tech in?(gaurenteed not to be cheap)


Pull off the screen and look into the CRT,s
and tell us are they all equal in brightness and clarity.


James Sweet

Raventy said:
Hey guys,
I have a 50" Hitachi projection TV and the white on it isnt so white
anymore its got more of a purple tint to it. This small picture ( ) can kinda give you an
idea. Is there any way to fix that? Thanks!

Looks like you're missing green, it could be as simple as a cracked solder
joint or as extensive as a cracked green CRT, best you can do without
calling a tech is to take a peak inside and see if there's any glow at all
from the green tube, and if there's not, if there's any fluid leakage,
particularly pooled down inside the neck of the tube.