Hello everyone
I was reading this link https://teknoman117.wordpress.com/2012/06/13/simple-avr-rtos-c-version-2/ there is program for real time operating system. I don't know which part of program is kernel and which part of program is scheduling. can someone tell me which piece of code show kernel and scheduling ?
I was reading this link https://teknoman117.wordpress.com/2012/06/13/simple-avr-rtos-c-version-2/ there is program for real time operating system. I don't know which part of program is kernel and which part of program is scheduling. can someone tell me which piece of code show kernel and scheduling ?
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include "avr-rtos.h"
struct _avr_rtos_task_attr led_1_attr;
struct _avr_rtos_task_attr led_2_attr;
struct _avr_rtos_task_attr led_3_attr;
uint8_t led_1_stack[128];
uint8_t led_2_stack[128];
uint8_t led_3_stack[128];
void led_task(struct _avr_rtos_task_attr *attr)
// To demonstate the passing of operand to the tasks, use the thread id - 1 as the pin to change
uint8_t pin = attr->id - 1;
DDRB |= (1 << pin);
PORTB |= (1 << pin);
PORTB &= ~(1 << pin);
int main(void)
// Make ready the RTOS!
// We will be starting three tasks, all use the same function - although they have independent stacks and
// take their ID - 1 as the pin to toggle
// LED 1 Task
led_1_attr.priority = 1;
led_1_attr.update_interval = (1000 * 8); // Execute every 1000 ms
avr_rtos_add_task(&led_task, &led_1_stack[127], &led_1_attr);
// LED 2 Task
led_2_attr.priority = 2;
led_2_attr.update_interval = (500 * 8); // Execute every 500 ms
avr_rtos_add_task(&led_task, &led_2_stack[127], &led_2_attr);
// LED 3 Task
led_3_attr.priority = 3;
led_3_attr.update_interval = (250 * 8); // Execute every 250 ms
avr_rtos_add_task(&led_task, &led_3_stack[127], &led_3_attr);
// Set up the timer for interrupts (this program was written to run at 11.0592 MHz. Finagle with
// the prescaler settings and the compare match register. The goal is to have a compare match 8000 times
// per second
// interrupts per second = F_CPU / (OCR0A * prescaler)
TCCR0A = _BV(WGM01);
OCR0A = 0xAD;
TCCR0B = _BV(CS01);
while (1)
// Since this is the thread when there is nothing to do, and we don't have anything to do,
// just call thread yield. Though we could do something useful....
//avr_rtos_task_yield(); // cause a lock up, check in simulator later....
// return control to libgcc.S
return 0;
// Only call the context switcher every 8'th interrupt (1 KHz)
if(!(avr_rtos_tick() % 8))